ive played wow for about a year now and keep wanting to stop! and now i think i found a reason to quit ;D
wow does not suck ass, you are just either ignorant of what its about, or are unlike 99% of the population (abnormal). Im guessing both. Wow appeals to almost everyone, from the hardcore to the hardcore's girlfriend. Its an amazing game, and is here to stay.
WoW player metinks? lol Tell me 1 good feature about WoW. The graphics suck compared to most MMOs. The Interface is hard to understand. The fighting is boring. Dunno about a story line (is there one?) Overall a bad game IMO. I played it for about an hour at my friends house, and decided to stick with everything NOT WC related
Ignorant? You're probably more ignorant seeing how you jump to conclusions (like in the tempest thread concluding I wanted it to merge with another topic for personal gain (wtf man ???) while I was trying to keep the forum clean) And about the people, what's normal? Does the fact that I don't agree with the 'majority' make me ignorant? People who think exactly that are truly ignorant. And besides, why do millions listen to Birtney spears? Why do millions vote for bush? Why are millions of people addicted to alcohol (not that I dislike alcohol)? Does millions of people playing it make it a good game? Hell no. Furthermore, I think that the population of people disliking WoW is actually bigger than the population playing WoW. I really think Blizzard did a good job making something that people are so eager about to pay loads of money, but it never did any honour to the warcraft universe. And why WoW sucks: 1: It totally wrecked the whole warcraft storyline. Like the Forsaken in a team with the other horde members, just to make sure undead appear in the horde vs alliance based army roster, I don't seeing that adding something to the story? 2: Gameplay really sucks ass compared to other (MMO)RPG's, take a example to guild wars! And don't come with the reaction that I probably don't know what I'm talking about because I'm not a wow player, because I have spent quite a few hours watching a friend of mine playing WoW and I saw nothing that actually figures out why its the best sold MMORPG (maybe even RPG, don't know if its more succesfull than a diablo?) ever.
I was guessing you were ignorant of wow, because most people who actually know what wow is about (and have PLAYED it) realize that it is good. Wow also appeals to a more popular crowd, football players and homecoming kings play wow. as far as the pvp is concerned, it is balanced for the most part and very competative. The arena system lets you get the best gear based on skill instead of play time (like most mmo's.)
Dude, I'm not gonna waste anymore time into this, really, I hope you make yourself believe that I gave up because you were right, makes us both have a nice day.
Its true, wow has an appeal to a wide audience. Just because you dont like it doesnt make his point wrong.
just because you like it doesnt make our points wrong If everyone liked jumping off cliffs would u do it too? apparently lol.
That doesnt make any sense... rofl. Heres a sum of this thread: person 1: wow sucks person 2: alot of people like wow person 3: so you want to jump off a cliff?
to each their own i say.. i personally have no interest in wasting my time on Wow and paying for it. SC2 free online and KICKS ASS :good :thumbup:
I happen to like watching WoW. And just because I would have preferred it stayed just like the original does'nt mean it was bad. It just means I would have preferred it stayed the magic version of Age of Empires. But I liked watching Everquest to sometimes. StarCraft and Age foever tho.
Yes. As soon as I get a beta key or retail. Which ever comes t me first. I only started playing WoW in the first place as something to do till SC2 came out.