My Space Wolf Army Wolf Lord 10 Blood Fangs 10 Grey Hunters + Rhino Land Raider Crusader Still working on it. Also got a small Imperial Guard Stormtrooper army HQ: Colonel (represented by a commissar model) 4 Stormtroopers HQ: 5 Commissars Troop: 4 Storm Troopers + Sergeant Troop: 4 Storm Troopers + Sergeant Troop: 4 Storm Troopers + Sergeant Troop: 4 Storm Troopers + Sergeant Currently converting 5 Space Marine Rhinos into transports for the VDR rules... Also working on a large installation tabletop with multiple levels.
I play a little, but not very often. My Tyranids Army HQ: Hive Tyrant + 3 Tyrant Guard Elite: 3 Lictors 6 Warriors Heavy Support: 2 Biovores with Acid Spore Mines Carnifex 3 Zoanthropes Fast Attack: 16 Gargoyles Troop: 32 Termagaunts 12 Genestealers 12 Genestealers EDIT: I suppose I may as well go into my Fantasy Army As well. I play Fantasy alot more then 40k My Wood Elf Army Lord: Mounted Wood Elf Highborn on Forest Dragon Treeman Ancient Special: 11 Wardancers with Bladesinger 2 Warhawk Riders with Wind Rider 2 Tree Kin with Tree Kin Elder Rare: 3 Great Eagles Troop: 24 Glade Guard 24 Glade Guard 16 Glade Riders 16 Glade Riders
That I'm not so sure about. Sure I play Fantasy more then 40k, but that's stil not alot. Most likely new style. EDIT Is there a way to tell the difference?
Uhh, search the internet or catalogues, about 2 or 3 years ago they totally redid the artwork and looks for all the wood elve units.
Aye, still have my old Necron army collecting dust a good moderate size force it be too lazy to list it
If the new style id the one featured on, then yes I play new style. I do have some old Tyranid models though (Really old metal genestealers and genestealer hybrids)
Well this topic seems to have pretty much stopped. Lets talk about our strategies or somrthing. Tyranids I have a pretty basic Tyranid strategy. Deep Strike my lictors into areas that would be used alot and attack anyone who comes close, the Hit and Run back into cover. My Termagaunts advance with my Zoanthropes so they are in synaptic range. Then use them to take shots while my Carnifex and Hive Tyrant advance with the Warriors, and my Genestealers stick to cover and charge any unit that comes within range. My Gargoyles work thier way around one of the table edges to strike at artillary or any other units that are too far away from my other guys to get engaged in Melee or hit my ranged weapons (which all have a short 12" or 18" range) Woodelves Elves are known for having weak and expensive units. The woodelves are no exception. They are only good at sticking to cover or attacking with Hit and Run tactics. I keep my Glade Guards close to cover so they can shoot and enter cover before melee units can reach them. My Glade Riders move forward and attack approaching units then fall back and attack again, trying to keep out of range. My Wardancers keep close to the Glade Guards who take out units from a distance then the Wardancers charge and finish them off before falling back again. My Warhawks hit at enemies flanks and backs while they are engaged with my Treekin or Wardancers. The Treekin just advance and make use of thier Fear ability and my Treeman Ancient does the same with his Terror. The Lord on Forest Dragon usually sticks close to the Treekin or Treeman so he can do a lot of damage and uses it's poison breath on large units. The Great Eagles act as my Lord and Dragons bodyguards, attacking anything that gets them in Melee and taking out long range units that the Dragon can't easily reach. I know these strategies aren't the best, but I win most of the time when I use them. But then again, most of the people I play with have no strategy. They just charge (even with ranged units) and hope for the best.