Never played that song, but if you're going from Em to C and back, just move your hand down. Your middle finger should be on the second fret the whole time, and move use your index for the 1st fret on the 5th string and your ring (or pinky, but I use ring) for the 3rd.
...Yeah maybe it would help noticing that my middle finger doesn't have to move. I'll have to try it at lunch. Dunno how pissed my parents would be for me practicing guitar at 1:01 AM.
Yeah your parents could be pissed. But then again, I used to play One at one o' clock without waking anyone up.
Apparently my bedroom walls are thin though. Because my parents can hear my stereo when it's down to 4/30 volume, and I have trouble hearing it at 4. So the odds of me not getting caught/scolded/lectured/etc is rather low. Plus my fingertips are the suck right now. We have guitar every day for 80 minutes, and I practice for a bit more afteschool. God damn I press enter a lot.
I has a gripmaster. It's awesome. It doesn't help with the fact that the gauge I play shreds my fingers.
I didn't see the question, sorry. A gripmaster is a...thing designed to help you exercise your fingers. Basically, you hold it, and there's spring-loaded thingies that you press down to build strength and endurance in your fingers.
wow that is awesome!!! no wonder it takes me so long to learn how to get accuracy and speed when playing fast soloes. Actually i still cant play uber fast soloes and crazy guitar techniques like sweep picking and such....can someone teach me an easier method to learn these uber solo techniques? if there is an easier way?
Over everything, practice. Some guitars are better than others for fast solos and if you don't have a good guitar upgrading could help. But mostly practice. Don't get a great guitar and expect it to improve your playing greatly. It won't happen. But it sure will make practicing easier. That's what happened to me when I upgraded form a crappy Ibanez acoustic from Costco to a Gibson Les Paul a year ago.