Any chance this will run SC2?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by iameatingjam, Jul 23, 2010.

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Any chance this will run SC2?

  1. iameatingjam

    iameatingjam Guest

    My computer is:
    2.8ghz single core celeron
    256mb geforece 6200
    1gb ram (there is one single 2gb stick in my PC, but one day windows just started saying I have 1gb so I have no clue what that means, I think I'm going to try changing slots)

    Now if I install a fresh windows XP on a separate partition and turn off every single service and startup item (that I don't need for starcraft) as well as turn graphics down to absolute bare minimum, will I get a playable speed?

    Sorry to make a thread for this but I have some free time and would like to know if its worth my while to set this up.

    Also upgrading is really out of the question now. I barely even have enough money to buy sc2 as it is.

    any help appreciated
  2. Prodigal

    Prodigal New Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    i play on a seven year old laptop with a 128 mb card, and 333mhz 2 gigs of ram, 3.06 ghz P4 HT. It runs pretty well on low, except in massive 3v3's and 4v4s, it lags a bit. Your comp should be fine, though check into your RAM issue, maybe one of them went bad and you need new ones? Look up your MB and find the fastest compatible RAM and upgrade if need be.
  3. iameatingjam

    iameatingjam Guest

    I managed to get ahold of a working beta

    well I'm surprised, for a computer not meeting one of the requirements ( I actually have 992mb ram) it does okay. There a very small amount of lag running a bunch of zerglings through the map and I had 2 5-10 sec lock ups in the 5 minutes I was playing. Why I had to stop was that the mouse wasn't working! I couldn't see it at all when it was still, and when it was moving it was flickering and changing places around the screen randomly. There doesn't seem to be a 'use default cursor' option either.

    I know this is a cracked beta, so its obviously not supposed to be stable but I sure hope I don't experience this when I buy the game...

    Also, its kind of ridiculous when you think about it. Warcraft 3 on high detail is MUCH MUCH more beautiful that sc2 on low detail yet it requires 5x the computer...
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