Hey guys, I've been playing Terran but I feel like it may be the wrong race for me, so I'm thinking of going Zerg. Do you guys have any solid advice to get me started? Like BOs or counters or anything like that? Basically anything I should know starting out
.................... You don't? ................................... What have I been DOING ALL THESE YEARS?!?!
Learn to fast expand with my advice. Also when you play against Terran and you are trying to rush him make sure to use banelings.
Playing Protoss? Anyways, I prefer to keep up a constant stream of units once I start my attacks. Attacking in small quantities and defending is more of a Protoss / Terran thing.
Well when I'm Zerg I use a mass of mutalisks... But still have a ton of defenses (LOL). @Aurora I don't play Protoss much anymore, I'm getting more into Terran at the moment =)
Yeah I'm secretly switching to Protoss. Anyways, Mutalisks aren't as satisfying as they used to be. I prefer to go with a mix of Corruptors, Hydras and some Brood Lords. Oh, and some sneaky Banelings when the battle is already going on.
Yes! Banelings are awesome.. Heh, we should so make a ninja baneling that is black instead of green so it blends in better... That would be so funny. Wouldn't some Roaches also be good? Hydra's for AA generally too.
Unfortunately, Zerg are kinda broken, with the Roach nerf, not to mention the lack of early game AA. Any decent Terran or Protoss player knows that if rush to air, you WILL win, because you can put a Void Ray or Banshee in the Zerg base before he has any anti air, except for the Queen, which can't kill any of them alone.
Yeah, Zerg's broken, and my name is Susie Waterwood. Roaches are still ridiculous and Muta is impossible to beat.
Marauders rape roaches, even easier than before, if we are talking Terrans. Against Mutalisks, well, mine are killed by Stimpacked Marines, Seeker Missiles from Ravens, or a couple of Thors.
Yeah zerg is insane, mutas own in mass numbers, without thor, can't stop it. Your marines can't maneuver the whole map without losing tons of life from stim. Medivac can't heal fast enough, and banelings rape marines. If you go roach and hydra u have to make sure roaches have that burrow while moving and make sure you're right next to the marauder force to burrow. The main reason you lose straight off the bat is roaches only have 3 range, and marauders will get a few shots before you do, when just running at each other.
Thing about this is if you focus on teching so much to get a banshee, your base as a Terran is going to be relatively undefended. If I was the zerg player and I saw him teching to air I would just rush his base with some banelings to break the wall and zerglings to clean up. If that doesn't work, why not just throw down a couple of spore crawlers? You can get a couple of those long before Terran can get Banshee, and those will smoke any small amount of Banshees.
That's true, just put some Spore Crawlers down, and that'll *AT LEAST* hold them off until you get Hydra's to help, which would be veeeery soon. Anyways, if a Terran techs to air, you can just rape them with lings+roaches+hydra's, because as Joneagle_X said, that's pretty impossible to defeat, because you would've poured practically all your minerals/gas into teching which is very resource hungry!
So I'm thinking now about build orders. I've read the thread on the 10/9/10 build order, but here's the thing: Basically every, and I do mean every, high level Zerg player I've watched has gone 14pool, 15hatch in the natural. If they choose not to FE for whatever reason, they still generally go 14pool. It seems to be the standard BO for zerg these days. I've used it myself in my 1st few zerg games with great success, just have 1 queen moving between the hatches injecting larvae, and my economy and unit production is insane. So has any1 else been using this? Are you zergies still using 10/9/10?