well, you all saw what i can do at MSpaint, but ive never tried to trace/draw anything on photoshop so, i got my pen and started doodling so this is what i drew (took with phone camera) and this is the progress i made now, i edited and improve some parts from the original drawing i cant wait to finish this!
ooo nice btw i think the head is abit too small for the hair and all...lewlz or....theres just too much hair.
yeah, i think the hair is way too far apart from each other and should i go for the camouflage pants? edit: done with the body, now with details and the sword
Cool stuff, Ursa. So is the sword slung over his back, or is he holding it with the hand we can't see?
its hung over his back, i just forgot to add a strap in the original drawing and the sword is going to be a toughie, coz its hard to determine its angle
I drawed this on paper then put it drawed it on my computer. i think i'll revive the colors and change the position of some things. I think your picture is turning out nicely exept one thing in your drawing you couldn't see his face.
hmmmm... i think flipping the sword is a nice idea thanks karaa and yeah hayden, i couldnt draw his face at the time because it was on pen and i couldnt erase it if i screw up
Oh so you have the face becuse you meant to have the face in the original but couldn't becuse you have a pen.
Feet look a little small, face looks too small for the head, but otherwise. Crisp, clean, and refreshed version of your old picture, keep it up.
I agree with Space Pirate Rojo that there are some proportion problems with it such as the feet, head, and arms. The hands look a little too blocky as well and the artwork looks too stiff. What is good about is the detail and smoothness of the line art.
I love it, the sword looks awesome but I agree with the 3 previous with some proportion issues. Once thats fixed it'll be even more awesome