Ok guys...Here it is...IF YOU rush with MARINES, ZERGLINGS or even ZEALOTS in the beginning like 1 minute to 5 minute during the game your gay.. Okey? So remember this, your GAY!! if you rush...Rush = NO SKILLS..If you wanna play a game without skills then go freeking play football games or whatever, if u wanna play SC2 then play the game with SKILLS...MICRO/MACRO, NOTHING of these 2 are included in barrack mass marines click A and finish the game, where is the skills in that? Well there isn´t any..So if you RUSH your gay and your ugly as ****..Thank you for your time.
/Rushes Robin with the insinuation that I'll be rushing... Also, guys, anyone who gets up before noon is ghey. There is no skill in getting up before noon. Go to an early bird special or something if you want no skills.
What, no ones rushing with probes here? Where's the Brotoss love? Also noticed OP didn't mention cannons, so I guess I can rush those and be ok in his book. /rushes cannons and pulls probes to attack at 4:30 mark