Always banned in Sniper-Z

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by SOGEKING, Jul 29, 2009.

Always banned in Sniper-Z

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by SOGEKING, Jul 29, 2009.


    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I'd like to tell you that everytime I enter a multiplayer UMS game titled "Sniper", or "Snipers", or "SniperZ", or "Sniper-Z", when you play a role of a ghost sniping enemies, I got automatically banned. YES, automaticaly ! Because the host does not know me. And does not decide to ban me.

    I just join one of those games and I got banned.

    Is there a virus ? Don't tell me to create a game like this because no one can join my game : they are RED.

    thank you for any explanation
  2. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Gainesville, FL
    Is it just this map? Can you host other things normally? I'd like to see this in person. PM me if you'd like to test it.
  3. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I am actually quite confused at what you are trying to get as you mention that the host does not know you and does not decide to ban you, yet you get banned? Do you get a "You have been banned" message? Please provide more information so we can accurately identify issues.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Yes, indeed, you have been banned message. Very strange. I can't host any game. I don't lag, that's not the problem, but when I try to host a game there are 6 red bars. A player told me, but I don't lag trust me.

    In saying the host does not know me and decides to ban me I mean I just enter one of those games and suddenly I download the map, and then after 5 seconds, maximum, I am banned by the host.

    my nickname is SOGEKING. A host will not say "OMG, that's the pitiful noob Sogeking who has just entered in my game, I ban him right now !". I am not known in as Sogeking. I created this nickname less than 4 days ago.
  5. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Okay! You not being able to host a game is a totally different issue that can be addressed (if you are using a wireless router) by following the information provided by kuvasz's tutorial for hosting behind a router. Go through the topic and you will find some other links that could be of some assistance to you.

    Now onto your six bar business... You say that someone told you about the red end. I believe they ban you because they all see you as 6r or Six Red. Especially in playing a game that requires constant clicking and low latency to allow for faster response time such as Snipers. They may see you as lagging the game or affecting it in a way that would effect their performance. That is one reason they would ban you for.

    The second reason being is because you just downloaded the map and the host/players in game think you are a noob that does not deserve to be playing in their ranks. I would suggest hanging around sniper/laser tag clans to get a little boost in the snipers/laser tag play world. In any case, if you are online right about now, I could do what 10-Neon has suggested and meet you online somewhere in

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    problem fixed. Just played with 10-Neon a game like this. He was a host. We played to this stupid game and all was all right. I wondered if it was possible that there was a virus. It seems that not. I got banned everytime I entered a game like this one. Like automaticaly.

    Thanks again to 10 Neon for his help. And thanks again for you, Imagine, too, for your help.
  7. TeaLaGe

    TeaLaGe Guest

    As one of the top 3 Snipers and highly respected on Battlenet, I assure you that you did nothing wrong, it's just the fact that most players do not allow new*bs to play simply because they will mess up the game for them.

    However, there are some people that will allow you to download and play a bit with them and will mind if you are new... You just have to understand it is a close community that generally does not accept new players... There are also known hackers who like to change their names so they won't get caught, so that's why the community is tough on new players.

    It is hugely competitive and not many people like to lose, ATM we are in the middle of a ranking tournament, so it may not be a good time to join games with known players.. You can find out more by registering at

    Ps: sorry about the old topic bump, i just googled this.
  8. BanG

    BanG Guest

    Tealage is 100% correct the sniper game is at a lvl were anyone who dl's the map is not a valid challange. So if you would like to learn about the game simply go to the forums that tealage has already posted.