So far all of Blizzard's attempts to make marines viable is to fix their hp issues. What do you think if marines had the following abilities? Give marines a late game upgrade that allows them to shoot two units beyond their sight range. (three units if their vision is worse than I thought) When marines are below 40% health and stimmed the fire at a rate faster than they would if they were stimmed and greater than 40% health. Regardless of health without the stim effect they shoot at normal speeds. If Blizzard isn't too thrilled with the idea of using medics again then they shouldn't bother with other health related boosts like the medic dropship or shields.
Im guessing we'll see medics back very soon, or some other healing alternative, its just how terran infantry is viable right now without any major revamps
I also think that the Medics will be back pretty soon. People were just way to happy with then being able to heal from inside bunkers and stuff to remove them. The community is just way to negative about the Medivac Dropship, so I am not really worried about the Marines getting in trouble. Also, how can people who are on some kind of drugs and almost dead suddenly be able to see and aim better? The opposite of that seems more likely to happen...
No medics = no use of stimpack = marines and marauders will be useless, marines' best strenght was the ability to stimpack. If they make stimpack a passive or an ability that doesnt require health sacrifice that we might be talking but if they dont, bring back the medics
Stim pack as a passive ability sounds bad. That would just result into it being another armor upgrade, which makes no sense at all. So like you said already: the only reasonable way to improve the Marines is by putting the medics back in the game. It would not make sense anyway lore-wise. Why would the army suddenly decide not to take care of wounded soldiers anymore? Now that I am posting about this anyway, have you ever seen anyone being cured by a hospital helicopter or plane just flying over a battlefield? I do not think so.
StarCraft Original had no medics, yet stim pack was used extensively. Though I will agree that the medic unit will be making a come back. AS it is now, the Terran Infantry are bogus without some sort of boost from a medic unit.
Edited out quotes. Please read the forum rules and refrain from quoting unnecessarily. Hence why terran sucked balls and the mechanical assault was invented. Marines were obsolete vs protoss and terran and the only reason they worked vs zerg is because they didnt have lurkers. Marines and medics go hand in hand, if i dont have my marines and medics i dont think i'll play terran, that was my fav army combo to use by far
DKutrovsky just typed why: No lurkers. If you look at pro replays you can see that they not only use medics as healers, but also as walls, so that ultrlisks have a hard time killing the marines.