Hi, I was wondering if Blizzard's planning on adding like easy, medium and hard difficulty levels for the AI in Starcraft 2?
Yeah we can't know since they haven't really mentioned it. WC3 had it though and I doubt that SC2 will take a step back. Worst case scenario the AI options remain the same as in WC3, which would'nt be that bad.
Yeah there will be different levels of AI difficulty . I think i remember seeing a video where the guy playing a demo of SC2 mentioned that he was playing against a Terran ai on medium difficulty. I'll post a link to the video if i can find it again.
We can all be very sure to see different AI's, but the more interesting question is how they're gonna work. For instance WC3 has easy, medium and hard. But on top of that, there is a hp setting that can be used on any AI difficulty, as well as on human players. It sets the hp of the entire force, from 50 % to 100 %. I don't think that kind of a setting would work for SC though as WC3's action is slower paced with a higher hp : damage ratio. I'd rather just see a wider variety of AI difficulties, like from easy to hard but with 5 - 10 steps instead of 3.
When WC3 came out I don't think it had any difficulty levels at all. It was first after the patch came out that you noticed the major change. I know for sure that the handicap option wasn't there before the patch.
Hopefully, StarCraft 2 will have as many custom AI designers as StarCraft: Brood War had. Entropy II v1.0 did wonders for the original game's AI (Mutastacking comps FTW ) and they had to do everything the hard way. Didn't WarCraft III support custom AIs in maps? If it did then you can rest assured that StarCraft 2 will support it so there's half the battle for the designers.
if i remeber there were 4 ai difficulties in the offline play that was chosen randomly. 1) easy peasy these AI suck balls and can't make a good fight if they're lives depended on it 2) okay dokay normal AI dont suck as much as 1# but aren't that harder, they might rush at first then depend on making units 3) dang hard these dudes use everything ASAP, they will make as many expansions and get as much mins and then start pumping out units beware in certain situations they aren't stupid and will try to get around your def and use annoying spells 4) evil grudge these guys are the most human AI they're like hard except if you attack them, they will hold a grudge against you and make an army to destroy you, using full advantage of all units, MC, psi storm, plague, swarm etc. they will harass you to the fullest and unless you dont attack them untill everyone else is dead, your toast. best to kill by rushing, although then theres no challenge in that now is there?
I too would like a wider set of difficulty levels, like from easy to hard in 5 steps. It would make the game alot more fun!
@DragonGod: If you're talking about WarCraft III then there was only three AI levels and the hardest one was barely a challenge ... and I'm a complete WarCraft III newb.
whe i play warcraft i can only beat like 2 comps. 1 on easy 1 on normal haha but i hope starcaft 2 has a type of custom Ai difficulty