I'm starting a little project on an application called Game Maker from yoyogames.com. I was inspired by Brawl and I'm making an 8-bit sprited Xbox Smash Bros. Characters I'm planning to include are Marcus Fenix (Gears of War), Master Chief (Halo), The Arbiter (Halo), Combat Flood Form (Halo), Conker (Conker: Live and Reloaded) and that's it so far. I'm relatively new to the Xbox console, just grabbing a 360 a month or two ago, and I don't know many characters or levels from the games they belong to. This is where you guys kick in. If you could inform me of some easily recognizable Xbox characters (360 or original) and maybe a nice level from the game they're in. Hopefully in your posts you give pictures of the character(s) and level(s). - M. Willy Edit: I may include more than Xbox characters though, but they'll be limited. This is from me listening to a song from an intro to a Duke Nukem game.
I'd have no knowledge of it, I jumped into the Xbox world at Christmas. I'm considering a Dead or Alive character... but I don't know which ones are the fan favorites. And Abe from the Oddworld games.
Pfft if you don't include Frank West, Turok, Soap, and the dude off of crack down ur not going anywhere.
Black, can you give me reference pictures of those characters? I know who Turok is though. Some white punk with a mohawk thinking he's as badass as the original N64 guy. But yeah, that's not a bad addition to the game.
Frank west is the dude off dead rising. You have to respect a man who can take that many things and kill a dozen zombies with it. dont forget carl johnson..... san andreas