Acitivision and Monetization of Online Features

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by DeckardLee, Nov 16, 2009.

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Acitivision and Monetization of Online Features

  1. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    Here's what Acitvision said about monetization of Call Of Duty.

    Don't be alarmed people. I'm only posting this to calm you because I have a feeling this article is going to be posted here soon or later. I posted a few days ago on GameSpot (because it was about Call Of Duty) but didn't want to post it here for fear that it would scare people. But, since it's on SCLegacy I might as well get here first before people start worrying.

    Now, remember, Blizzard has already told us what exactly they're going to be charging for. Anything we're used to having for free, we will get for free. They've already confirmed this and repeated the same words many times. What the article is referring to is something quite different. They specifically say "as well as all the services Blizzard is offering" which means name/server/characteristic changes. Nothing more.

    If you're interested in hearing other opinions then go here:;title
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2009
  2. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Old. They're just talking about the premium maps.
  3. Supahboih

    Supahboih New Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    premium maps
    premium maps
    premuim MAPS?!?!?
    explain this madness!
  4. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    Try reading.

    This isn't even a statement from Blizzard. It's a statement from Activision which has some people worried. Furthermore, this has not been posted here so it couldn't be old either way.
  5. Supahboih

    Supahboih New Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    ooh, so premium maps are for cod?
    not sc I hope... **death stare at blizzard**
  6. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Really, how could there be premium maps for SC2? even if they were made un-editable, I'm sure there's more than a few crazy mapmakers out there who would copy the map down to the smallest detail.
  7. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The article spoke of gamers having to say extra for stuff. And you were talking about not posting this here, because people might panic or whatever. So I automatically assumed that you worrying about the stuff in Starcraft 2 you'll likely be saying for.

    As for what premium maps are:
    As far as I understand, extremely popular maps will be reviewed by Blizzard and can be made into a premium map. You then have to say a small amount of money in order to play it, and the creator of the map shares in the profit. It's something that creates a much more fanatic map making community, and it earns Blizzard extra cash.

    Still, it think it sucks. They see the success of DotA and think: hey, we could make money with this ****! Instead of thinking about the awesome independent community that has been created, they are seeking ways to leech that same community for having more fun with custom maps then with official ladder maps. :/

    As for the old thing: if something hasn't been posted here before, then that doesn't mean that it isn't old news for some people. [sarcasm] Maybe I have read this already? Hmm? I might as well post a part of the Bible then and say: check out this whole new religion I just found! It has never been posted here before! Oh my God! Who God is? Oh yeah, right. I almost forgot that you couldn't possible have heard about this before because nobody posted it on this particular forum. [/sarcasm]

    Lastly, don't post this stuff in the Starcraft 2 General Discussion board if it isn't a reference to Starcraft 2 in any way. Talk about reading before posting...
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2009
  8. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    1) This news is a whopping 50~ hours old. This isn't some Battle Report that's discussed to death in a few hours. I cannot, in any ration definition, be old.
    2) I will post it here because it DOES pertain to StarCraft. All you have to do is read.
    3) It's PAY; not SAY. You misspelled pay several times.
  9. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    At least reaction here is rational. At some other forums there's nine-page threads of rants...
  10. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    I'm typing on auto pilot with my phone's T9 turned on. What else is new?
  11. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    It's old news in the way that learning something we already know about from a different source is old news.

    That said, I struggle to say this applies directly to StarCraft 2 at all, as the article is clearly talking about WoW-->CoD, where CoD does not stand for "StarCraft 2." We know that Blizzard intends to charge for some services, but there are a lot of people that would really enjoy getting outraged about it, if only given a good solid opportunity to misconstrue a statement.
  12. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    Be glad I was the one that posted this and not some sensationalist. That "opportunity to misconstrue" is exactly why I posted this here. I even said that in the OP. I guess you missed it :( In the other forums where I let it be, there are pages upon pages of rants like Kimera757 said. It probably wouldn't have been as bad here but still there would be a few people to jump the gun (like always) and I possibly prevented that this way.

    Also, It applies to StarCraft II because it applies to Blizzard and and because it could worry the StarCraft II community. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time a piece of news detrimental like this had been leaked via "other" sources.

    As for it being old, I'm not sure I believe you read it clearly if you think this is "confirming" anything that's been said before. It looks like you made the same mistake Aurora did and missed the point of this topic by a mile. Especially since I've already addressed all of this in my OP.
  13. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Inspyte posted more material here, showing more info from the original article in order to reduce accusations of "cherrypicking" or taking info out of context.
  14. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    This guy sh*tlee is really stupid... He copy pasted the article from sclegacy and is talking about sensationalism...!

    No comments
  15. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    1) I didn't copy that article from SCLegacy. In fact, I didn't copy ANYTHING from SCLegacy.
    2) I knew about this piece of news days before it was on SCLegacy. Like I said, I just didn't want to get the community worried over nothing.


    In addition to this post, I've been discussing this on System Wars for days now because I am/was a Call of Duty fan. Why would I copy a link I had already known about for days and had discussed to death? The only influence SCLegacy had on this post was that I saw the reactions there and wanted to prevent them from getting here.

    3) You copy plenty of my news articles and put them here, hypocrite. Don't make me get proof.
    4) Get more butt hurt about me getting news before you, please. I find it hilarious. Every time I beat you to posting a news article you have to come in with a "I saw this before you but didn't post it because ... ummmm ... la di da!!!!" or some other rude remark. Just be glad you live in some awkward time zone and you're awake to get news at that time. That's the only reason you are able to post news at all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2009
  16. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    DeckardLee: I read your post completely and read the source item completely. I was speaking to the scenario a sensationalist reader might bring up, noting that, if this news is announcing the end of the world, then we've known about the end of the world for a while.

    My point was- simply posting the story opens it up to being misunderstood. I am sure you've been online long enough to know that no amount of giant blinking red disclaimer text will prevent some people from jumping on an opportunity to become outraged about something. If I actually thought the topic, as posted, were inflammatory, it would have been deleted, or fed to the den of beasts that is Space Junk.
  17. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    My point is that if I hadn't posted it then one of the sensationalist posters from the other forum would've came here and done it and that's what I wanted to prevent. But, instead of them providing the news in a "it won't happen" kind of way, they'd start spamming "OMFGZ!!!! BATTLE.NET MONTHLY FEE AM CONFIRMED 1200%"
  18. ronin2011

    ronin2011 New Member

    Mar 26, 2009
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    Well.. I think there are some people (including me) who new Activisions quote for monetizing a few days ago but thought that this has nothing to do with us...
    Plus we had already heard what could be buyable from during last BlizzCon

    So.. someone here saw that this thread was posted already in starcraft 2 discussion forums and said "Oh let's bring it up here also" I don't find that bad..

    I find bad that freaking excuse that even my dog wouldnt believe "I posted it so some sensationalist cannot"

    I like hurting you!! Because you started something that you cannot finish.
    P.S. Stop acting like a child... though you are one..
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  19. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    You do realize that you're the one making a big deal of this, right? Talking about sensationalists and other then dollar words in your opening post, instead of just discussing the article. And now the thread is ruined because the discussion has shifted to the subject of who's finding the news first. So you sir, are are the sensationalist if you allow this thread to go even further off topic and filled with rants.

    Now where's my ten bucks?
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  20. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    Actually, there are only two people making a "big deal" out of this.

    You for not reading and jumping to conclusions and ronin2011 for his jealousy.
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