so guys... as you might have guessed im having some problems with some achivements D: well... the biggest problem is the achivement where you have to beat a 4 vs 1 on Very hard --- xD it seems completely impossible but i tried it anyway.. in fact i've been trying to do it all night long but i JUST CANT DO IT all the standard strategies will get Roflpwned in about 5 minutes... but i've tried the noobish and yet succesfull strategy "The Photon Cannon Rush" !!!!! X3 and guess what... i owned 2 of my opponents but i just cant kill the 2 others in time before they get colossus with extended range and stuff its just impossible D8 but i have done the 2 vs 1 on insane... that only took me a couple of hours to figure out ^^ and i guess all the other "Outmatched" achivements aren't that hard..... (since i owned 2 insane AIs pretty easily) but yeah.... guys i need some help please ^^
oh and sorry for the dubble post but if you need help with any other achivements i am here to help... not that it will do any difference because i suck... but anyways xD
Have you checked youtube bro? Was looking at the 4v1 insane thing tonight, still trying to figure out how to do it since they made the Insane comps more insane in this new patch. =/ And in order to repost or something, just click edit on your origional post and type wha telse you want to say bro then click save.
oh yeah i kinda forgot that i just could Edit my post.... well ill go to youtube and see if i can find anything ^^ but are you serious about the 4 v 1 on INSANE?? thats just even worse btw the AIs on insane must have some kinda of map-hax because they know when i build a pylon in there base even though they cant see it .... thats unfair xD but the AIs on very hard dont know that but they just scout like crazy for hidden pylons and cannons xD and they'll find it... unless you hide it in the secret place (its secret btw) O.O but eerh thanks for the help i guess ^^ and btw have you done it before? or atleast any of the other impossible achievements? xD i was completely amazed when i owned the 2 AIs on insane :3 i was so happy
You need to build the pylon/forge/first cannon outside of their base, like near a ramp. I've done it close to thirty times or so and they don't scout it. Usually good to wall off the first cannon with the pylon/forge as well, so when you build all first cannon in their base and they send all their workers to kill your stuff it takes them longer to get to your first cannon. The hardest ones I've done in terms of the Insane Computers is the 3v3 and 4v4 kin achievments for both Insane and Very Hard computer. It's pretty much You and 2/3 insane comp allies vs 4 insane computers. Took me awhile to get it.