For every achievement you do, you get about 10-15 points. Is there any reason for points other than to look good if others view your profile?
Obviously you have not played a lot of World of Warcraft. The achievements in SC2 or WoW are just there to look pretty or give you a little pointless reward. In SC2 the rewards are decals and avatars. The achievements exist solely for bragging rites plus to give more longevity to the game. Why try brutal difficulty? Normally most people would be like heck no. But for an achievement people will try anything.
Hell, just to have a different portrait for posting or when people view your profile. Achievements add longevity, and re-playability. I hate them, but I must conquer them!
To look pretty Though I do like how you get to practice / learn skills trying to get certain achievements. *Cough* Zero Hour.