So. With beta more than in full swing, and me now having access to it... It's smart to come back. Plus I'll admit. The other day I was all: '...I miss those forums'. So your residential Major Willy/Space Pirate Rojo returns. With a question already. What's a good Terran counter for Ultralisks? Also. Give me your account names/whatever. I'm MWilly.ebrodeur.
I'm here to devour your cheese and lose horribly in 1v1 and 2v2 games because I don't know all the counters yet.
I'll still be calling you willy. ALSO OMG SPACE PIRATES. please dont attack his majesty's grand junk(also known as the shut up drie)?
Welcome back! Love how everybody that should know him ignores all his question and do not tell their names in Anyways, a fine counter to ultralisks is Thors with the 250mm strike cannon or whatever, as it stuns the ultra and deals 500 dmg. Battlecruisers and banshees should be fine too, as ultralisks cant attack air... yet My battle-net name is Phoenix.qulli. Will probably be able to learn you something, as i´m in gold league.
I'm on EU, don't even play (damn you HoMM) and have no idea about playing Terran (or any race for that matter), so there. And who was he again?