There was a game I used to play a lot... the graphics for it's time were obsolete but the gameplay was phenomenal... The plot was something to do with a future society.. Humans against another strange and highly different sect of humans then against some sect of aliens that began with a "M" for the name (Ringing any bells?) It was a microsoft game so if someone has the title it might be easier to explain lol... But anyways... it had a system where you could actually pilot individual units, your skill as a player making those units much more effective than the RTS styled AI of the game. Maybe this could be feasible for SCII.. Imagine being a Marine with the ability to use trees and rocks for cover against oncomming fire (Maybe bonuses for headshots ect..) or a zealot... rushing and ambushing your foes and winning any small field skirmish... This of course wouldn't be enough to win on its own.. the unit would have no stat boosts or anything, but it would be fun none the less right?
It wouldn't work. By changing from RTS to FPS, you're basically kicking the damage system out the window. Half the damage coming at you would be nullifed simply because you can hide behind rocks and jump out of the way. If this were implemented, then someone "pilotting" a marine as you suggest could take out a Siege tank all on their own. Does that sound right to you? I would go on to point out other ways this would be stupidly overpowered, but it now occurs to me that it would be stupidly underpowered against anything more than 3 units without some sort of distraction. The player could easily just focus fire and turn your carcass into a smoldering crater. To top it all off, who's watching your base(s) while your playing with one of your little units? Who's keeping an eye on the teching, unit production, and expansion? While your running around thinking your making a difference on the battlefield, the opponent has probably raided at least one of your expansion sites, or quite possibly have raped your main base.
Hm...the only thing I can thing like this is probably Batallion Wars...if we're talking PC though, I dunno.
Maybe it was a **** idea.. Idunno.. but it would be a cool feature. I mean, wouldn't you be pissed if your ten zealots were killed by a marine? I would lol.. Wait wouldn't Overpowerd+underpowered make it balanced?..... Idunno Just saying
Yes, I would be royally pissed off if one piddly Marine singlehandedly killed 10 Zealots. That sort of thing just isn't meant to happen in the Starcraft universe - NO MASTER CHIEFS. I was a bit unclear listing this mechanics strengths and weaknesses. What I was trying to get across was that it could go either way - your ability to control your marine as you would in, say, COD4 of Rainbow Six, could ruin the game for your opponent, or it could ruin it for you; rape your opponents strike force, or lose valuable expansions because of neglect.
True, I wouldn't like a single marine to keel all mai guys! I'd also quickly like to point out that you can't control your squad in COD4.