Basically, a mate of mine is making a Mercenaries-type game, where you select your hero and get the upgraded units, etc, etc, I'm sure you all know how they work. Basically there's a problem with starting as Zerg, where the Hatchery only starts with a single Larvae, as opposed to the usual three. Does anyone know how this would effect four, eight and nine Drone Zergling rushes? Or can anyone think of any reasons why, otherwise, it's important to start with three? He uses a custom map editor as well, which is "StarCraft X-Tra Editor", so if anyone has some advice on how to trigger around it, do share.
yup, it affects ling rushes because then you would have to wait for the hive to generate a new larvae i dont know why it starts with a single larvae anyways....
"Move "Hatch" to Player 1's Hatchery" "Create 2 Larva at Hatch for Player 1" It is not as effective, as the hatchery will still generate larva, until there is 3 in the hatchery, and 2 wandering, but still has 3 larva at beginning. However, they can not be selected from the hatch.