Hey every one! I was making an installation map and I came across a slight problem. At a specific point in the map the player is supposed to place a unit on a beacon which unlocks a door and also causes a large zerg force to appear next to the beacon. The reason the force is there is so that it will chase the player until he reaches a teleport site. Unfortunately I have not been able to figure out which trigger would make the zerglings pursue the player and attack him until he reaches the trigger. could some one please help me figure out which trigger to use? Thanks
Order(Men,PlayerWithZergForce,Attack,ToLocationOfTeleport); Order Men owned by Player PlayerWithZergForce to Attack to ToLocationOfTeleport.
I would use the Patrol order instead of Attack. I've had som trouble with Attack in the past, they ignored the enemy and ran directly to the point. When I use Patrol they always attack the enemies they encounter.