I have been using this build a lot when facing Zerg as Terran mainly because I usually face a Zerg player that expands early and then goes banelings. I had trouble figuring out a good build against banelings and then I think I finally found it. This has worked against many diamond players. I am not saying everyone will like it but it has worked well for me. It is simply going for a mech build with two factories. Start out the standard route for terran which is something like this. Make sure to wall off as always. 10/11 Supply Depot 12/19 Barracks and Refinery while Barracks is building 14/19 Supply Depot 17/27 Orbital Command Make sure to have a couple of marines out to guard behind the wall. Then build the second refinery as the command center is being upgraded. Once each gas finishes you should have both saturated with 3 scvs. Build the factories right as you get the resources. But build them away from the wall and away from the corners of your base just in case they have overlords scouting which they most likely will. Have marines patrolling as well. Then once the first factory finishes train a hellion and rally right into their base to see what they are doing. This is important because what units they get will determine what you will want to do. If they did not scout the factories and just the barracks with marines they will likely go banelings. But you need to see if they are teching to a lair, going roaches, banelings, or just sticking to zerglings and getting their upgrades at an Evolution Chamber. Right after the hellion is done attach a tech lab and your second factory should just about be done by then. If you spot the banelings nest and zerglings then go mass hellions. Get a reactor on the second factory and research their blue flame upgrade at the tech lab. Keep producing marines and even marauders as they will come in handy against the queens. Once you have about 5 and the upgrade is done send them out and look around your natural as they will probably have the zerglings ready to morph into banelings. Go harass their workers while training hellions back at your base. It takes practice to micro hellions since you are going to want to shoot and pull back taking out as many workers and zerglings as you can while avoiding queens and spine cralwers. Harass their workers in the main as well. They may tech up to a lair and then mutalisks but you could probably stop it by attacking the spire. Just in case you should switch the barracks for the reactor on the factory and produce marines. Even getting thors might be a good idea but only if you cannot do enough damage in time. If they went roaches however then forget massing hellions. Just train them out of factory with the reactor to harass the zerglings so they go mostly roaches instead. Get a tech lab on the barracks for marauders and go siege tanks on the factory with the tech lab. Hope this helped as it has been working for me against banelings usually before they even get any.
Nice. Should try that next time. Once my friend went pure marauders with stim pack + concussive shell+ ground weapon 2 and armor 1 and ripped off an entire army of hydralisks. I'm still wondering how this is possible when all toss gate units get ripped off by hydras.
Oh Raynor i love this thread even though im zerg XD I remember once where i got owned by mass hellions... kinda failed back there
Lol, to be fair as zerg you should be scouting with overlords and see if they are going for hellions. If so then roaches will do so good especially with the range upgrade.