If you do it, DON'T GET OWNED!!!! This guy was diamond 1v1 and 2v2 with 700+ league wins and all I can think about is how much I ruined his day. :laugh: Share an lol lose for the arrogant!!
Not enough smack talk =( and also! I didn't get the beginning. And that guy sucked so hard....seriously...
oh, before the game started he called me a noob then said he was gonna rape my face or something... it continued into game lol.
That wasn't smack talk, just general polite internet talk. Your comebacks were poor to, i greatly disapprove.
Yea sorry, Im really not into the whole talking thing. It was pretty hard for me to even say what I did. I shoulda said herp derp to everything, or huhu.
@Fenix, yes its what "everybody hates" Why the hell does EVERYBODY do it? (well not EVERYBODY but a lot of people). That's why you have to smack-talk everyone until they cry, or ragequit, so that they won't EVER do it again. Ever read "Ender's Game"? Same thing happened when Ender beat the living (literally) shiz outta that big dude who tried to bully him.