I have no idea where topics about mods should go so just posting here Right... after browsing some mods for HL2 imagine my surprise when i noticed this http://mods.moddb.com/9685/starcraft-source/?page=1 Seems like the mod has just begun but i like the idea of it. A FPS starcraft idea always intrigued me so i was disappointed when Ghost was cancelled so maybe/hopefully this mod will be interesting and fun.
Hmm but worried Blizzard might shut it down because of copyright stuff becuase some mods of Starcraft were ended that way (i think) but then Project Revolution is going on fine with Blizzard's blessing so not sure really what will happen.
i think its still going pretty well judging from its website which i saw a while back but then its been a while so not sure
dude this mod is very new and has only been up for a week or so, looks like it would be ace to have a ghost using hL2s engine even though i dont posses it
It doesn't matter. There was another one before that got axed. This one will also be axed. It is inevitable. There is no point in getting your hopes up.
I think they know the risks they are taking (they know plenty of other mods got axed). And now with starcraft 2 coming up they might even welcome the free advertising of Starcraft. But you never know, just because plenty of other similiar mods got axed doesn't mean this one will. (everything depends on timing i think. Still could get axed though) *edit* it seems they have decided to change the mod of the fear of getting axed. Aw well a interesting mod gone but replaced with an another interesting mod. Damn u paragon why must you be always right
the mod guys changed it i hope they secretly make the MOD though then RELEASE it when its finished and even though BLIZZARD will close it eventually, the whole world is ALREADY playing it. lolz! skiverz!
Why does it matter? If it's freeware it's not technically bound by copyright laws. So long as they don't advertise and make money on it....
its still being worked on but who knows Blizzard could say no so people could buy the starcraft product instead of just downloading it you know? anyways I heard about Starcraft ghost some people got it on there ps (not sure which #) by preordering it so will it ever come back or is it flat out gone? Please do not double host as it is considered spamming. Read the forum rules for more info. Thank you