A few quick Toss questions

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Will.cfalcon, Aug 26, 2010.

A few quick Toss questions

  1. Will.cfalcon

    Will.cfalcon New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    1. P v Z: Is it just me, or do pheonixs suck vs mutas? Which leads to, are stalkers with blink the best counter to muta harass?

    2. P v Z: Against the 6 pool rush, I always have 1 or 2 zealots, and I just fight the zerglings off with that and my probes... is this retarded?

    3. P v Z: Do high templar have any use against Zerg? Every time I go collosus I win.... never won by going templar.

    4. P v T: High Templar work great against MMM, but if they get ghosts im done. I find the EMP to be just plain broken... it's a massive feedback AND psi storm rolled into one. If I see them going ghosts, is Collosus a good counter? Or any other suggestion would be good.

    5. P v T: Expanding. I can never out expand the Terran , even if they turtle, because they can just fly their command centers everywhere. I do try to contain, but should I just go straught for their main instead?

    6. P v T: Air. Is it just me, or do the vikings dominate everything in the air? Is it just not worth trying to get a air force against terran?

    7. P v P: Against good players, a lot of the time I feel like we are just butting heads. We both get zealots, stalkers, and sentries, then tech up to immortals to counter stalkers, and then up to void rays or collosus. Is there a way to break out of this mold to win easier?

    Any help would be great. =)
  2. Makeahole

    Makeahole New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    1. I would say Stalkers are a good counter against Mutas when they are alone. A good zerg player will combo the Mutas with lings to counter Stalkers though so you may want to add some sentrys to the mix for added defense. Other then that you are going to have to tech to higher units like carriers, archons, high templar.

    2. Nothing is retarded if it works. Use the choke point to your advantage against early zerg rushes and a sentry blocking with force helps a bunch.

    3. Templar work great against Hydralisk and Roaches that psi storm can really make a difference however your micro skillz will need to be there.

    4. One of the true problems with P v T as there really isn't any 1 true strong unit against Ghosts. They can cripple most protoss units rather easily. Charged upgraded zealots maybe ??

    5. No I wouldn't turtle players are normally weak anyways or they wouldn't be turtling imo.. Attack all attempts to expand against these types of players. Loosing a command center when you are trying to expand is a big hurt.

    6. I would use immortals against vikings cause of the added defense and vikings are good in the air but suck on the ground. The problem is that immortals don't fly right :) When it comes to air v T try to out produce him and out upgrade him. Also trying to use your micro skillz so if you have stalkers or immortals around so they can get in the fight as well.

    7. I like to get my *** kicked against a good Protoss player cause then I use the replays to only make me better ;)

    I’m sure I might get flamed in here by the trolls for these comments however it's just my 2 cents, try and see what works for you.
  3. Will.cfalcon

    Will.cfalcon New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    Hey man thanks. =)

    1. I've had that combo done against me and it's brutal. I usually get more zealots and sentries, and push out once I've stopped the harass. IAlso, I usually get a couple cannons around my mineral lines if they start harassing.

    2. Against the 6 pool rush, It's really hard to have a sentry in time to block the choke. I lose a few probes with my method, but it works. Then I quickly get a sentry and a stalker, and get ready for the second wave.

    3. Is it harder to storm the roaches/hydras than it is the marines/mauraders?

    4. I always rush to chargelots when I see Terran going MM. I can usually have it in 6 minutes, before the first major engagement. Doesnt help alot against ghosts though, they can EMP right next to their own forces with no effect on their units, and cripple all the zealots so they just get destroyed. =(

    5. Map control is always a goal agaisnt turtlers. But sometimes the natural is really easy to take and defend, and a 2 base Terran can build an army that will steamroll me unless I expand aggressively, which is hard to do with Protoss.

    6. I used to do this counter all the time in lower leagues, when terrans would mass vikings. The only problem is, the immortals are slow, while the vikings are fast. Stalkers also work well. I guess we can agree that its pointless to fight them in the air?

    7. I watch the replay after every match, whether I lose or win. It's very helpful.
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