I'll post other stuff here if he says anything else today. Source: Karune: Can the queen heal? Source: Blues: question about Dropship landing
Good finds. I'm especially pleased with the first two answers. +8 supply! Terrans will barely need to build any Supply Depots now
I've been wondering if the additional supply ability should be given to the Protoss. Since Protoss units are so supply heavy, I think it would balance out against the Proton Charge quite well.
are you sure? that same energy could be used for scans or Mules instead, I dont see this ability being used as often as the other two are. I find the Overseer new ability interesting, but I am unsure about the Queen getting the Transfusion ability and about it having such a high energy cost, and im still pondering on how useful the Changeling is.
It's counterbalanced by the fact that Protoss have Warp In. They may not have many units, but they can get em on the battlefield pretty damn fast, and at virtually any location of their choosing. @ lurkers_lurk: Don't discount Calldown Supplies so quickly. It may not be an economy booster, but it is an economy saver. Hell, depending on the MULE's energy cost, you could probably use the abilities in tandem to do an early-game rush. Also remember that we have Sensor Towers, so lack of scanning won't put Terrans completely out of the loop. The Overseer's Spore Cloud sounds very neat. though I'd like to see the AoE and it's specific effect. Will an enemy in the Spore Cloud have his sight range reduced to 1? Will buildings loose sight range if targeted with a Spore Cloud? If so, wouldn't that negate detector units/buildings such as the Observer, Nighthawk, Photon Cannon, etc.? The Changeling, however, sounds mediocre to me. IMO it just seems way too easy to detect. Seriously, who's going to have a single marine patrolling their work line in mid-game? I'd much rather they give the Overseer the Parasite ability from SC:BW (with certain adjustments, of course). As for the Queen having Transfusion again, I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, they base defender/support units, so it's definitely logical for them to have the ability. On the other hand though, it seems like a player would have more Overseers in than they would Queens. I suppose it doesn't really matter as long as Transfusion doesn't replace any of the Queen's abilities *coughRazorSwarmcough*
Kaaraa, you dont have to worry that Observer or Knighthawks not being able to see into the Spore Cloud, do to the sentence "Units that are above the fog can see into and over the fog." which would include all Air units and the Colossus. also Sensor Tower would not help with scans, because you use most of your scans to scout the opponent or on the battle field to avoid hidden units, and with the new line of sight system, it might be used more often so you dont run into an ambush when your about to run through tall grass or so. in fact right now im not even sure if the Sensor Tower can detect cloaked units or not because they kept switching it to the Missile Turrets and back again that im confused about it.
just my opinion but they should change the changling to something else (no pun intended o.o). they should change it to a lizard/gecko type zerg that has a ability called "camouflage" when it activates this ability it can cloak itself without a energy cost and decloak itself (basicaly like a DT but with a uncloak option and no atk whatsoever). it will basically act like a cloaked scouting unit for the zerg similar to the protoss observer without detection ability. this is alot more useful in terms of scouting. no one mid to late game will have any marines/zelots/zerlings in there base and if they notice one is in there base they WILL try to send it out to the battle field. once they do that they WILL notice that it is NOT there unit and know that its a changling and thus kill it. or even when the changing is aproaching there base in there "disguise" the enemy will wonder why one of there units is going inside its base without "orders" to do so. at that time they will realize its a changling and kill it before it even reaches the enemy base. its a nice concept, but making it a cloakable unit is far better. just dont give it a atk or anything like the observer (or even do give it an atk). this can also easily be added into the lore for the zerg. they assimilated a lizard/gecko/butterfly like creature from some planet and evoled it to be a cloaked "camouflaged" scouting unit or something like that. and thats just off the top of my head, im sure the guys at blizz can easily come up with a more convincing and better lore for it lol. they can also make it a flying unit. anyone who has played RE5 and RE4 and seen the insect like creatures that are able to cloak themselves and atk you (one of them is the novistador from RE4, i forget what the one in RE5 is called) then you can get a general idea of what im talking about. Edit: the one in RE5 is called the "Reaper" lol. *looks at the reaper in SC2* nope, nothing alike lol
The changeling is obviously meant to be used along with a distraction, the changeling mightn't last long, but if you can keep the enemies attention on that skirmish in the center of the map it will get be able to get in and take a good look around. Cloaking is too unzergy and really, a cloaked unit is a lot more likely to be found than a unit that looks like it is theirs, bases are crawling with detection, a cloaked unit would never be able to even get.
Talking about details did anyone mention that banelings can now explode while burrowed or in air? Oh and small compilation: http://www.sc2pod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=9704#p9704
Havent that been known in a long time HB? But yeah, its awesome, its like scourges seriously. Imagine you making baneligns and you ally being protoss making phoenix's, imba combo!
Imba? How exactly? First off it would take micro and teamwork to position everything, and when all that is done - the enemy air units just lol and avoid ramming into the immobile Banelings.
I know, I meant imba more in the "funny" category. Imba Combo = If done precisly correct its great, but as that is the case in only like 2% it isnt imba at all.