Everyone knows the 4gate, and many people probably know some specific 4gate builds and general styles of 4gate builds. Well I saw a pretty good 4wg build and I thought I'd share it for those who want specific timings. Personally I like really precise play, so I usually remember my builds to the dot up through the early-mid game, and follow a fairly close blue print after. Credit on this one goes to Socke. 6 stalkers, 4wg in 5:30-5:40 time range. [Cut Probes @ 19 + Scout] 9 Pylon 10 Gateway 10 Chrono Nexus Chrono Nexus 13 Assimilator 15 Cycore 16 Pylon Stalker / Chrono Warpgate Tech Chrono Warpgate Tech +2 Gateways +1 Gateway Chrono Stalker / Chrono Warpgate Tech Proxy Pylon Chrono Warpgate Tech 3 Gateways ---> 3 Warpgates Last gateway chrono to warpgate 4 Stalkers Proxy Pylon Just keep making stalkers/zealots and go for the win. Note: The timing of the first proxy pylon here might be off. Just throw it down when you know you need to. So that's all probably confusing as hell to look at, so I attached a replay. Too detailed? Well here is the basic idea... Stalker +3 Gateways Stalker 2 Chrono boosts on Nexus 4 Chrono boosts on cycore The rest on stalkers and whatever. 4 Warp gates User was banned for posting an insane build order. -a Zerg mod
Well, i play 11 or 12 gateway, 2 chronos, and 1st warp is about 5:20 + till it i build 1 zeal + 1 stalk. Counter for 4wgp is 4wgp\rush Otherway u can say gg
I'm a little confused...how would you beat the timing if you got cycore later and chrono boosted less? The times I put were measured by when the last stalker finished warping in by the way.
WA(GATE)RP That's how. =P By the way I should have probably mentioned...this is basically a PvP build. It doesn't make too much sense against Zerg due to zerglings, and against Terran I guess it might work. I think sentries are more the thing against Terran though. With that said though...it could be tweaked if needed. I haven't actually used it against anyone yet. I'm not a huge fan of all-in plays.