I made this map to test out my terrain skills for map making cause i'm gonna be making a like Civilization of Sc basically :3 So this map is called Atlantis it has 4 starting areas and 1 expansions for every 2 bases. There are 2 expansions located on land but the mineral line can be easily attacked by air units from behind. There is also a place in the middle where the mineral patches have 5k each while the rest of the areas have only 1.5k except it's the hardest to defend with attacks that can come from any direction. Currently testing/balancing. BEST IN UMS!! Download Under :3 Link #1 = Unstacked buildings. Link #2 = Stacked buildings.
hey nice map, but do you think you could tell me how to make those buildings that block things and can be destroyed?
I think they can be destroyed lemme check. *edit Their hp isn't set to invi so you can just A + click on building to destroy em.
Seradin, i think its under player 12 or something, a nuetral that can have buildings placed in some editors.
Player 9 works too, I believe. The official iCCup maps all use Green, which is normally Player 9. And this was my idea too... But you can have it. Status: Permanently Delayed after Reboot. or StarCraft: Ghosted And no Doodads?
I like how it is symetrical almost to perfection with the base positions, and the stasis pods protecting the middle is good, and how the top right and bottom left are perfect lines. I don't know why, but I like that. it is visually appealing to me. However, left base, is cut in half by the geyser. It should be moved to the opposite end of the mineral line. Also, what is the point of the raised platform with ramps above the bottom base? It seems to give who ever gets the bottom an unfair look over the center.
Hey Vampire! A good attempt at melee map making but to make your job easier, I recommend using SCMDraft 2 and having it set to mirror terrain on the X and XY axis.