3vs3 and Zerg

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Worm Shoes, Jul 16, 2010.

3vs3 and Zerg

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Worm Shoes, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. Worm Shoes

    Worm Shoes New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Zerg :no: 3vs3, in my opinion.

    I've been playing 3vs3 a lot and have solely stuck with Zerg and have pretty much decided they are quite a useless race when playing 3vs3.

    From the games i've played its pretty the same with all races...tech quickest to air units. And in all honesty Zerg air is really not that great.
    I am aware yes of Mutalisks being good and Broodlords being poonage - but on the whole, Zerg really dont fit in the air compared to things like VOID RAYS and stuff!!!!

    So you think go anti-air...but we only have one unit that shoots air damn it :( why is this? Ok queens do too but they are stuck to your hatchery. And because Hydralisks are 'Light' units they get popped by seige tanks and colossi...!!

    Dont get me wrong i have had some very successful games with Zerg 3vs3...but on the whole i think they just cant compete Vs terran and protoss superiority.

    Anyone else think they are lacking in big games?
  2. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    there is only 1 3 vs 3 map at the moment. if your playing to counter air i wouldnt even bother making hydralisk. to be honest i wouldnt make hydralisk period. Make roaches and infestors and harass them to no end. Push with a roach, ling mix and let someone else cover the GTA job. If your gonna make an AA unit just spam Corrupters. there good for many reasons.

    1. There corrupt do good agenst almost everything except Void rays but void rays are overpower and need a nerf period. But then again void rays were made to counter heavy armored units. The ability on the corrupters ability can make them get hit harder with there ability. The best part that ability can be put on any unit! ground or air.

    2. If your having problems with colossi and there is no other air units for your corrupters to attack guess what there gonna faceroll? you got it the colossi. You dont need to make the hydralisk. Remeber units that can do more will do it less as good. Get something that excels in 1 job and get a unit to complement it by covering the other job. If your teammates cant pick up the slack you were gonna loose in the first place.
  3. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    On Arakan Citadel, I like to start off with a baneling bust to kill of workers, or roach push (depending on the opponents).
    My job is to keep them busy while my partners build up. They help a bit with the pushes/harassment, but their main goal is to build up and start attackig at about 6-8min.

    Then again, my team consist of Z,T,P. I suppose if its Z,Z,Z then everyone pushing would work quite well. Perhaps one goes baneling/ling, one goes roach, and the other can go w/e he wants.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  4. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    This I think is a problem in the current 3v3 environment. As a Zerg player I would much prefer a map where you are further from your allies with more avenues for hit and run attacks on bases while their armies march or on units trying to join up together. I've done fairly well in 3v3 during beta phase 1, but it was definitely more limiting on what I could do compared to 2v2.

    Zerg just don't deal as well imo where the map stacks allies all in the same area and tends to funnel big armies along the same path to clash all at once.

    If I were still playing (just waiting for retail at this point....started playing DotA again and I just don't feel like another beta reset) I might try getting a lot of support (corrupters and infestors) while hiding out burrowed zerglings/banelings to punish bases/expansions when the enemy moves out.

    Back in beta phase 1 I had a lot of success with either 2x hatch + early baneslings to mass speedlings to end the game early, or fast mutas. I think that was partially due to banelings being awesome against the standard 3x rush on you or an ally, and partially because the overall competition level in 3v3 was pretty poor as compared to 1v1 or 2v2.
  5. skullkandy

    skullkandy New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    i play mostly 3v3, way more than i've played any other game type. I have to say I somewhat agree. Zerg in general has been nerfed entirely too hard. I won't ramble on that but every other races units all have unique special abilites, synergies, combos....zerg get generic ground unit 1 and generic air unit 1....

    But where I have found my niche is early game. Granted if a player walls off well like most terran and toss do you can't do **** because again we got the short end of the stick and are the only race who doesn't have a unit that can bypass cliffs. But usually I focus on early game harassment and generally slowing down the opponent before the game gets a couple minuets in when zerg become obsolete. This gives my two teamates a tech advantage later in the game that usually gives us the win.

    basically zegling harass the beginning of the game....struggling to barely survive mid game....then 50 mutalisks late game to support your teamates.
  6. sc2strategy

    sc2strategy New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    I have to disagree. Mid game is where Zerg rocks especially when they start to reap the benefits of FEs. If a Zerg player 1 bases in a 3v3 game, they should take some time to relearn the class.

    It's a different playstyle than the static Terran / Toss races. As Zerg, you should always be a base ahead of your allies/enemies. You should be harassing the enemy's expansions to no ends. You should be popping Hatcheries left and right.
  7. skullkandy

    skullkandy New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    I definitely agree on the hatcheries. I never said I only have one base, or anything even close to that statement. Almost every game I've got at least one if not two more expansions than the opponent, the problems I have is when terran and toss move into tier 2 and zerg tier 2 units in my opinion just can't stand up to them.

    Harassing is where I shine in my team games as well which is why I say that early game is the only place I feel useful, always keeping the opponent on their toes, unfortunately being the only race that doesn't have a unit that can jump cliffs a good player can really keep themselves from being harassed at all by zerg if they're on top of their game. what I wouldn't give for a jet pack.

    I almost always have the best economy in the games I play by far. that is definitely the zerg strong point. but 10000 minerals worth of zerg units still dies to 1000 minerals worth of terran forces so I find I can never leverage my huge economy to actually accomplish anything significant with it. This is what I see to be the zerg problem, zerg can rebuild an entire army in a matter of seconds and if played well easily has the resources to do it. But all the economy in the world doesn't win a game when your units are crap and none of them have micro abilites for player skill to become a factor like the other races do.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  8. mace

    mace Guest

    Okay, this is a bit of an interruption, and I apologize. I've been playing some 3v3s and I got the game three days ago, haven't been able to play much. I lose every time, thinking I may be unlucky with team picking, but I've found I can't hold up against any sort of rush. Against players of the same skill level I can pwn mid-late game with worms, ultras, etc. but I and my team are cremated within three minutes. I've had colossi storming me before I get more than a few lings. I'm obviously doing something wrong, would appreciate help