3 diffrent races should have 3 diffrent race powers

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by VANCOPOWER, May 26, 2008.

3 diffrent races should have 3 diffrent race powers


    VANCOPOWER New Member

    May 26, 2008
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    We all know that protoss had little advantage in starcraft 1, with the ability to take other units and takeover other races, so to balance this side effect of dominance they can make it like in warcraft 3 (undead banshee) or they should add new powers to the remaining races for example:

    1. Protoss (can take over other units or buildings thus gaining extra 2 unit capacity counters) like in starcraft 1 REASON: protoss units work best when combined with other units.

    2. Zerg (can spawn some buildings or creatures that can eat other units and provide them with inexhaustible supply of raw materials but when killed the raw material remain on the map) REASON: zerg need a lot of raw materials for their vast armies which are weak in small numbers

    3. Terran (can research some secret projects {like superweapons} that will ensure them domination on the map like 3rd upgrade for command center that provides them with little resources at a period of time but can be captured by zerg queen, or quantum-trans warp gate which can import massive groups of infantry or zerg psi controller ) I specially like the last one :)))) REASON: terrans have tactics of overpowering the opponent by the usage of combo of many specialized units
  2. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    There isn't mind control in SC2

    Frankly I don't see a need for any of those and some of those aspeects already exist

    1. Zerg have infest which makes zerg versions of Terrran and Protoss infantry
    2. Terran have salvage which returns minerals for deconstructing buildings
    3. The last one seems a tad out there and infringes on Protoss warp-in
  3. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    I don't really see why you made this topic in the story forum so I think It should be moved to general.

    I have a few problems with your ideas.

    For the toss I don't think they should of had the mind control ability it just didn't fit their type. they are not a controlling race and they might have mind powers but even if you got the SCV why would that mind control an entire population to turn into an army.

    For the Zerg they are already one of the best at fast expanding when their hive goes up they have the ability to start producing units right away. they can protect and harvest minerals with some of the best they don't really need an extra mineral flow.

    I didn't even really understand your points with the terran so if you could clarify that would be awesome.

    I don't think your ideas are stupid I just think they are a little rough and unpolished.

    VANCOPOWER New Member

    May 26, 2008
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    Yeap It should be moved in general sorry about that, so if some admin sees this plz move it into the general discussion, well this is not warcraft I`ve played strarcraft 1 for hours and hours, I`m not saying that they should make C&C out of it, but still there should be some way of "dependence" among the races that will give the game finishing touch, for example: when playing as Zerg you can implement strategy to build up your bases around the map thus securing the resources or attack some Terran command centers and gain the resources that way or ... something like that be free to fill in my blanks
  5. Yamato_Cannon

    Yamato_Cannon New Member

    May 5, 2008
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    Virginia, United States
    It isn't necessary since all 3 races are already unique as they are. You have some interesting ideas, but there are also a lot of balancing issues that would go along with them.

    As of now, zerg can switch tactics extremely fast, but with your idea implemented, it would be even faster, since now the zerg player could just kill their own units for minerals. Protoss mind control was basically never used in melee to gain control of the opposing army's tech tree, so it would once again serve no purpose in sc2.
  6. CyberPitz

    CyberPitz New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
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    Adding those types of things to the races would require more balance and much more chances to just put too much into a game. They are already very unique in their own, and don't require "Special Powers" to accomplish that goal.
  7. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Its definite that all 3 races are already unique by themselves and needed not those ideas which in my point of view isnt very much interesting at all since some of those are already obsolete.. The reason why SC2 is different from some mechanix of of SC1 is the fact that its been 4 years of ideological evolution and upgrades that they didnt quite need any more of those previous tactics.....

    1. The Dark Archons mind control skill was one of the most versatile protoss skill i may say that if used against an enemy worker, you will also be able to bring what that race got.. BUT!! whats the point of getting another race to build if you can spend your money enough to create mass powerful units of your own.. in my point of view, you are just rather wasting your time or fooling with your friends trying to prolong a game by doing so.,...

    another thing is that the protoss are a dependent specie, they dont need the ability to takeover buildings of anysort coz their own technology is far even beyond the terrans reach.. The protoss are proud beings and very unlikely to associate themselves with inferior beings hence they even quite dont agree amongst themselves in regards with the Khala and Void forces...

    The protoss arent really disadvantageous in the game coz SC1 is probably the most outstanding balance RTS game in the world ever... Its only possible that you didnt appreciate much of the protoss mechanix much that you overlooked the fact that the Protoss are much of the "quality over quantity guys"....

    2. The Zerg already has the Queen and the Infestor which I think you havent read of so much yet, but they definitely do what the zerg needs.. and actually it still bothers me where does zerg get their source of energy?? are they carnivores or cannivals?? do they eat creeps?? lol,, it really isnt quite detailed how massive amounts of units can survive w/o intake of some sort, unless they produce food on their own like the plants photosynthesis lol.. You might possibly be trying to give a just opinion/mechanic about the zerg but truly they really dont need to (its a good thought though)...

    Generally what i think is that the zerg are already in a semi-stable state and just needs a lil more time in balancing.. and, i suggest we'll just have to play the campaign coz theres definitely tons of infos to get lorewise and storywise

    3. Your idea is quite possible regards the psi emitters but have you recalled the story that the sole purpose of the psi controllers were to try and take over the cerebrates and control a cluster of zergs? If you recall that then you will also come up with the generalization that all of the Overminds are gone and only Kerrigan is the supreme dominatrix of the zerg, and no one can control her period...

    On mobility, i dont see the purpose of involving warp mechanic for the terrans coz its more of protossish.. the idea of mass transfering units is also implemented via droppods and commandcenter carrying various workers.. and on top of that the terrans are also the most mobile faction among the 3 races having almost all of their structures being able to lift off the ground...

    The possibility of reasearching for weapons technology is infinite and the idea of a terran doing that is only possible during campaign i suppose, coz in a gameplay of PVP it doesnt quite match well having enemies that might possibly become an instant global threat if he gets a certain upgrade that you say would easily dominate others... The word domination is too strong to be used by the terran coz certainty is just a fragment of illusion and nobody really is sure if the terrans will win the war of the worlds...

    Terran reasearch is already a secret project that i believe not even those earthlings know off.. the idea of having another upgrade for a command center is possible but it may not be for the purpose domination as you say but likely to another purpose coz as of now its already quite versatile..

    All in all i dont disagree much with you, but it really just isnt nescesarry for those ideas to occur, you have a good idea but also isnt quite polished and more of a guess though... ^_^

    VANCOPOWER New Member

    May 26, 2008
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    You want detail I can do details:

    1. TERRAN (mobility, diversity):

    first special building linked to command center which allows 2nd upgrade, and 3rd upgrade (PLANETARY BASTION: upgrade from PLANETARY FORTRESS with extra firepower and Vespene gas generator reactor: gives 1 vespene gas per sec. downgrade: can`t fly any more, can`t be decomposed when destroyed detonates deadly optional:leaving vespene gas field. )

    second special building inked to command center the nukes off course... well nukes are deadly already 3 per building will do just fine also some heavy cost should be involved here like 1000 per nuke build time also very long.

    Third special building linked to command center MET (mineral extraction technology) allows Thor to have mineral extraction weapon which can kill units and building and gain minerals for the player, also flying units with lesser version of this weapon which can be cloaked, much leaser version is gained to the workers attack.

    2. PROTOSS quality before quantity :) :

    Citation from site: "With the halves of the protoss race reunited, an archon can now be brought into being by the merge of two high templar, or two dark templar, or even the unification of a dark templar and a high templar."

    from this citation we can see that 3 types of archons will be present in the game, so why not combine the three and warp them in to ARCHON PALACE (warp time should be very very slow 9 min maybe more)

    ARCHON PALACE: upgrade for archons, warping time factor increased (faster building time), honor of Aiur (gain free zealots over a period of time) Special Super Weapon (Mind control a whole area of units and buildings) - option 1: for a brief period of time option 2 : forever (long time to recharge, side effect: every archon and templar are frozen on the map during the recharge {too much mind-power used} )

    3. ZERG (quantity above all else):

    terran command center Infestation : gain control of terran tech spiced up with zerg bio-tech

    protoss nexus infestation: gain control of protoss tech spiced up with zerg bio-tech

    final hive upgrade: Zerglings can puke out larvae which grows into another Zergling very fast during attack when they did enough damage (had lunch hehe)

    Zerg queen (final upgrade: pukes up live Zergling over a period of time) :

    ( available only protoss nexus is captured ) can infest zergling with mineral synthesis bacteria which destroys the zergling and leaves a pool of zerg slime which after some long time will be nice juicy field of minerals.

    ( available only terran command is captured ) can infest zergling with vespene gas synthesis bacteria which destroys the zergling and leaves a pool of zerg slime which after some long time will be nice juicy field of vespene gas

    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  9. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    thats a reason why i was rooting for the science vessel so much... its geeky gayness just rocks...