2v2 Strategy - 1 Gather 1 Fight

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Konran, Sep 3, 2010.

2v2 Strategy - 1 Gather 1 Fight

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Konran, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. Konran

    Konran New Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    So I tried this a couple times and I was able to secure victory in every fight I played. Basically what you do is have both players build like they normally would until the 2:30 mark when you can transfer minerals. Then one switches over to battle mode and the other just gathers minerals, nothing more. This works especially well when both players are zerg. One will expand as quickly as possible while the other builds 2 or more hatcheries at their base, as well as has two or more queens. Spawn larva on all the hatcheries and quickly upgrade to mutas. They wont know what happened unless they're using the same strategy.
  2. Supahboih

    Supahboih New Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    altough you will need to coinstantly send minerals, but if you can manage that well, it might be awesome
  3. GrimZ

    GrimZ New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    The only flaw I see with this is what happens if the gatherer zerg gets hit with say a double zealot rush or something and all their workers get killed along with possibly their hatch? This would be more likely to happen on a map where the team mates are more spread out, but even on a joint map if you play double protoss and they do a quick zealot rush with 4-6 each it could spell trouble for the gatherer (or even both for that matter) if attacked.
  4. jsj795

    jsj795 New Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Even if toss did attack with those zealots, if he got consistent resource backups, one zerg will definitely have like 30 lings and 15 roaches by the time the zealots come, since only one player invested on spawning pool and roach warren, and they have like 2~3 hatcheries with queens constantly spawning larva... I think it is plausible to do so, except the fighter player needs to defend the gather player pretty well unless the whole thing breaks apart...

    For the opponents going against this strategy, if you see that they are doing this (known by one player expanding like crazy and having no tech buildings) then attack the gather player constantly, harassing their workers with reapers, mutas, phoenix, etc.
  5. Konran

    Konran New Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    The only problem with this is that by the time the other team gets enough units to have a full on attack, the person who has been sitting back getting fed minerals has teched high enough to stomp them unless they are doing the same strat. Remember, you will be doubling their income in both gas and minerals.
  6. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    Your basically talking about using assembling line manufacturing theory as a strategy basis for resource/unit production division in SC2, i.e. that by having each player specialize in 1 thing you will net more efficiency.

    It can work, and it is the main reason that if a partner gets dropped or the like it isn't necessarily a lost cause. It has drawbacks though, the two primary ones being (imo)

    1) You will lack diversity in units produced. But if you are both the same race anyway that doesn't factor in.../shrug.
    2) You are more vulnerable to targeted assaults.....i.e. there is less flexibility to adapt if say they target your combat unit tech structures, or your partner's resource line.....in 'normal' play one player can provide the other slack when this occurs, but if you're specialized like this it will be much harder to do so.

    But yeah, I agree that it is a viable strategy. I'll add that in addition to being x2 Zerg, certain maps are more favorable for this kind of thing. Twilight Fortress practically screams for someone to intake resources from both expansions while the other partner (preferably Terran) walls off.

    Personally I still think the best use of resource sharing would be to flood your gas into a partner that has teched though. You can resource share early enough in the game that I can see something along the lines of say a Z/T team where the terran walls off while the zerg techs to mutas, and the terran pours all his gas to the zerg. Then when the spire pops (placed somewhere non-obvious with creep drop) that zerg player can immediately make a good dozen or so mutalisks.