My brother and I both play protoss, and can usually do very well, the only time we really have problems is against 2 terran players. We scout, and usually know what they are doing, but no matter what we just can't do anything against them. Whether they MMM rush, or turtle and build up crusiers we can't seem to win. When its just one terran player we can usually win, but it feels like everything they make is better than us. Last night, we had just as many void rays as one guy did vikings, mine were half upgraded his fully upgraded, but when they attacked, his vikings (with no upgrades) cut right through our void rays, even with a mothership helping and warping. I had stalkers and colossi also, but his thors, and maurders, and marines just wiped them out. Does anyone have any tips on a 2v2 protoss v terran matchup?
immortals should eat up the maurauders and thors. (they rely on slow heavy damage, giving the immortal a major advantage there)
I like to complement my void rays with blink stalkers if i can. Also, you need to break up his attacking line of marauders/marines with force field. Psi storm is godly vs MMM, plus you can feedback the medivacs.
thanks for the help, but does anyone know what to do about the vikings? they just eat up my void rays, even when im upgraded, and he isnt, what can i do as a counter for the vikings?
constantly harass them with early voidrays or DTs, make sure you are pushing out with high templars and colossi!
if you can use your VRs to draw his kings over land, you can try to engage him with both VRs and stalkers. he will not be able to attack the stalkers unless he goes to ground, in which case the VRs will decimate him. if you are good at micro, engage him with VRs and stalkers, then run the VRs away, (but in the direction so that his vikings will pass over the stalkers) he will either pull away, and should have suffered the most losses, or he will give chase, and be eaten up by the stalkers underneath him, or he will go to ground. If he goes to ground, blink the stalkers away, bring the VRs back in. kill him while he switches modes.