Currently i play 2v2 with zerg/pro and zerg/terran, i would like to see what strats the community advise me using, we currently use a very basic rush strat where we pump out a supply of lings/marines/zeals and basically hope they have no early defence, this works about 30% of the time but when they fend of the attack, our economy is screwed and as the game progresses we get hammered. so any alternate strats would be hugely appreciated SC2 name is Izaak add me if you wish to talk in more detail
This happened to me: Zerg+Protoss (them) vs Zerg(me)+Terran Protoss harassed my base with zealots and stalkers, so i had to get a zerg/roach army up his zerg teammate mass mutalisks and killed me.
well as far as your rush strat, you need to make it more successful, if done correctly a rush should take out your opponent 50-60 percent of the time. So my first suggestion would be to work on your guy's rush strat ... because like any rush if it fails your econ will be at a major disadvantage and it will be hard to impossible to recover and win the match.
Yeahhh, i mean most the time we take out one of the players but because were some economically behind we get 2v1'd
There are three overarching strategies in SC2--rush, tech, and expand. A rush build is when you both make low-tech armies and attack, hoping they have no early defense. A tech build is when you wall off or make early defense, and then spend your money researching more advanced armies instead of tier 1 armies. An early expand build is when you expand early in hopes of getting more money for later in the game. A tech build beats a rush build. An early expand build beats a tech build. A rush build beats an early expand build. It sounds like you have a decent enough rush build, now you need to work on the other two. I would come up with a tech build. Wall off a choke and go for something like Brood Lords or Ultras, or have your partner tech straight to banshees or even BCs. Once you have your tech build, work on an early expand build. I would recommend you expand early and go for mutas while your partner protects you early by walling. Once you have a rush build, a tech build, and an early expand build, you can work on scouting your opponent early and picking the build most appropriate for the map and your opponents' build.
Yeahhh weve been trying, were doing well in 3v3 now, just won 7 in a row with ZPT, but thanks alot for the help x