So, my roommate whines a lot about losing to double 10pool in a 2v2 matchup. I think he's being ridiculous. Does anyone have a replay where they beat double 10pool as terran with a shared wide ramp?
dont understand how ure losing tbh, why dont you build bunkers early? give us a replay of this happening and i might be able to help more :/
Wait....are you asking your partner to solo 2 zerg rushers at a shared wide ramp without any assistance from you? Because while chances are your partner is doing something wrong, that's would definitely be a douche move on your part. It's one thing to defend yourself. Or for a terran to defend a shared normal choke. But a wide choke (which tends to be a good distance from the main) is asking for quite a bit. I would expect to be able to get in and rape someone's workers if I were on the zerg team and the terran was the only one defending and attempting to do so at the shared wide choke.
If its a shared base with one ramp and your terran, simply block it off and build a couple bunkers behind your wall. problem solved. If you both wall the one ramp you should be able to easily block incoming lings.
First of all u need to scout this ling rush. If ur toss build zlots and use choke points in your base to fight and not get surrounded. Make cannons if u have to, use SOME workers if u have to if ur zerg u should have a queen out spine crawler and 6 zerglings at least by that time, use workers to help if ur terran bunker or wall off, make helions teammate should help you but not send everything