I have a question, I never played SC One so I don't have a whole lot of experience with the game, I am average in 2v2, 50/50 on wins, but I have a quick question. I usually 2v2 a friend, I go Terran, he goes protoss, We are working around different strats to see what works best. We are going to try simply I go all Ground units (Lots of marines, marauders, and hellions if we play zerg) and he builds all Void Rays, another one we use is, I go and mess with them with reapers as he gets a nice economy going and a large army. Are those two good strategies for winning? Would you prefer them?
I usually use the "a strong defence is a good offence". i send smaller teams out to harrass at first of smaller groups mixed of ground/air then move up from there. also make sure to always expand, it is the best you can do for your economy. you also need to know what units do what, that makes all the difference in RTS games. You need to know what to offset their defence with. it takes time and a lot of practice to see what works best for you. thats just what works for me. BTW i think this is in the wrong section, lol.