You will? It'll take me about 90 minutes to get home, plus installation, so it's about 26 for me. Not sure this is meaningful SC2 material though
You're right, should have posted this in space junk, any chance of moving the topic? Back OT, I wonder what I'll do once I finish the campaign - it'll be like 'oh well', let's have a glass of water. Weeeeeird.
Moved. I'm more interested in just how long it'll take to finish the game. Obviously I won't play it specifically to finish it, but I'm interested in just how immersive the story will be and how varied the missions will turn out to be. I hope I won't have to take long break because of yet another "destroy this" mission. I haven't played the beta, which should give a bit of a boost to its magic factor though.
its kinda hard to believe, ive waited soo long for this game and its just about here.. I cant wait till the midnight release! SC2 will be an amazing experience
I wonder what would happen once you install the game and find out the opening cinematic is a rick roll
re Unfortunately it will be a minimum of 1 month. Thats how long it will take to save the money up to get a pc that will run it half way decent. Oh well, I will just have to settle watching matches on Youtube.
Actually; you'll all have to add about 12-24 hours till blizzard gets their crashed servers back up. They are gonna get hammered.
12 hours until Australia gets it...well 21 for me since the store i am near opens at 9:00am (I was amazed when they said the 27th since we normally get it a day later but since major stores are doing release parties tonight i assume its correct)...I hope i don't have to wait for America to reach the 27th to get on ><
Only 10 hours left here in germany till i can finally install SC2. Great to have it here, already, don't have to wait for any delivery tomorrow or hit any stores for midnight sale - since there aren't any in my region. Its a shame that there is only 1 (!!) Store in germany open for midnight sale.... Already downloaded the "good" english client, don't wanna play the german one
Anyone know if Best Buy is having a midnight release? I preordered at my local Best Buy a few weeks ago and the checkout girl, while cute, was about as sharp as a bag of hammers.
interesting for me. Little more than 1 Hour left (germany) till midnight, but i can already install.....*wait* Hope, i can play, too. Right now its patching!!! /e *screming* IM IN! IM LOGGED IN!!! HAD THE AWESOME INTRO VIDEO (the one in witch the prisoner got put into that Marine-Battle-Suite....already known, but great music and speech added) AND EVEN HAD NO PROBS CREATING A CHARACTER!!!!!! WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!