2 vs 2 rapid expansion advice

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by kaka, Sep 1, 2010.

2 vs 2 rapid expansion advice

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by kaka, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. kaka

    kaka Guest

    hey guys im just wondering what the general consensus is on rapid expansion in 2v2. my mate i play with in 2v2 thinks that starting another base within the first 5 mins of the game is the way to go when he hasnt got any sort of way of defending a rush at either oh his base's and rage quits coz im trying to get a little initial defense going on in my base and whilst not having alot of troops (i play terran by the way) my base is secure enough to let me get to a nice amount of troops, and therefore cant help him against a rush.
    So just recaping, what is the best 2v2 starting strat???
  2. Prawn108

    Prawn108 New Member

    Jul 25, 2010
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    don't look up
    tons of people rush in 2v2. I rush or get rushed in 90% of 2v2 matches. This number is probably higher since I play with a partner and not random teams, in which rushing might be slightly less used. Even with zerg I don't fast expand. Better to get 2 spines and pump out speedlings and/or roaches to defend against 4gates and 6pools and early marine pushes and such.
  3. Haivo128

    Haivo128 New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Only race I would even fast expand in a 2v2 would be Zerg. But really you should just scout their base and see if they are pumping troops out early or going fast expand like you - proxies - cannon rushes.

    Like for example, if you scouted a Terran player building early gas and advanced tech his barrack, then he/she is probably going to get some reapers and try to harass early.
  4. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Really, it works to fast expand vs zerg? If they rush you, isn't that gg? I'm really interested, since in 2v2, I play terran sometimes.
  5. Pnyoman

    Pnyoman New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    you should always throughly scout before expanding
    since many 2v2 players tend to rush, i would suggest defending against the initial rush, then pushing back with your remainder whilst making a new expo then backing your troops off after a decent fight. usually many players would switch to macro mode if their first rush fails and their opponent backs off with a decent fight giving you a chance to expand. i dont intentionally use this tactic but statisticly this tends to happen alot
  6. CryMoreNoobs

    CryMoreNoobs New Member

    Oct 18, 2010
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    Yeah, expanding during an attack or during a counter works quite well. Then you can scare your opponents into defending instead of harassing your fresh expo.

    I would recommend that on maps with close naturals, both of you expand and defend the choke together. If you want to, you can also set up walls and some static defense to help.
  7. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    i fast expand in 2v2, but i expect my teammate to not wall in or build static defences cause doing that in a 2v2 is idiotic, but i also must build units so its ussually a 2 gate expand with mainely sents on 2 gas these units can hold off well while marines pumel them.

    basically build units not bunkers not wall in, that goes for both of you. cause if you can help him regardless of expanding you guys are dead
  8. CryMoreNoobs

    CryMoreNoobs New Member

    Oct 18, 2010
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    Dude I wasn't saying wall off a giant chasm with bunkers...but walling off the expos if you're say, protoss and terran, with gateways and rax can be a good idea. By static defense I meant like 2 photon cannons or 1 bunker, not masscannon.

    Anyway, whether you assist your army with a building wall or not (I don't usually), it's good to combine defend in the middle so that your armies don't get caught separated, and so that you can cover your main bases and naturals. Just watch for air, keep xel'naga towers and scouts.
  9. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    Here's how I fast expand as Zerg in 2v2 on a map with seperated bases:

    1) Get a spine crawler asap.

    2) Get 2 Queens asap (can use spawn larvae at both hatches, helps get connecting creep between both up right away, and provides extra non-larvae dependent defense).

    3) Get Baneling den asap. I usually get it before speedling upgrade.

    4) Move first spine crawler down to choke/expansion.

    5) Scout well and keep scouting well. Build more spinecrawlers/lings as need demands (if it looks like they're massing for an early rush, you need to get ready to defend it)

    6) Send first lings to your partner. Basically you want to be able to morph banelings at his base in case they rush him, because that is the only way they will get there in time, and banelings are the only way you will be able to significantly help him fend off a rush initially, since you expanded.

    7) Have your lings mobile and ready to close in behind their units on whomever they rush. Again, good scouting/keeping tabs of their movements.

    8) If they rush you make sure to use passive unit/buildings to create "walls" for your spinecrawlers/queens as needed. Hit and run with lings.

    9) Be prepared to block your choke to prevent run-bys.

    edit: replay attached. Couldn't find one where I'm helping my partner defend. I know I've been there, but I don't make a habit of saving replays nor have I been playing ladder much since beta. Best I could find is just an older custom game, but it does give a basic example of how to defend yourself though with an expo build in 2v2, even with all the ****ups. Turned out to be a much harder game than I was expecting going into it, but that's what made it exciting at the time lol.

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    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  10. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    i wasn't refering to anything you said i think if you can wall off both expos thats good. it was just general advise that i have discovered over time with my terran friends who wall off and leave me to die cause they safe. thats what i was trying to get at. and by both of you i meant the two players playing in the 2v2 sorry for confusion.