Re: battle I am by far the best with Terran when it comes to defending. I dunno if I could take 6 computers, but if I have a good choke on a map with low resources, I could probably wait them out.
Re: battle meh, i can totally pwn them (in edited maps where they don't have any resources ) meh the best i can do is pretty much 2 AI
Re: battle I just finished a 6v1 on a map where everything was pretty much even. I was solo Terran and I won... because the computers were completely retarded and didn't tech at all. I basically tanked wave after wave into oblivion, and by the end of the match I had killed over 2000 units. Every base had 7 clusters and 1 geyser, no expansions. One ramp led into the base, and this is where 99% of the gore collected. I probably would have lost had the computers actually bothered to advance up the tech tree...
Re: battle mayby you can share? i luv to meet retarded enemies, + it could help me to train my turteling skills
I suppose I could do it with Terran, just keep a wall of supply depots at the choke point, float a barracks over it (or science vessel for sight) and stick some bunkers/tanks behind them and just let them steam roll whatever comes near it. Usually it takes awhile for the comps to upgrade to air units so I try to just rush wraiths and drop tanks by the enemies main mineral collection, works for me, most of the time >.>
I would try starving them to death, Turtle like hell, and wait for the attacks to stop. ComSat sweep all the resources, and once they're all mined out, mobilize the the Tanks and Goliaths I was guarding with. Then just launch an attack. Just sloly wipe them all out. It worked against 3 comps on Lost Temple once.
Turtle like hell, and I can easily defend against 3 cpu's. Possibly 4 but I haven't really tried it. But there is no way I could defend against 6 armies at once. It would also depend on the map being played. It would be much easier for me on a map with 1 or 2 entry ways instead of 3-4.
I know i can make it on fastest map... lol (fastest sux) I have not tried on a normal map, but i am sure i could have done it with Protoss 1 year ago. *Looking back to the days I played StarCraft way to much*