how does one go about beating this? I have not even tried it yet, but this is going tobe by far the hardest custom game achievement for me to make. (I have nearly all the insane ones.....just need to play a few more Kin vs Kin on insane to wrap them up. but really, 1 on 4 very hard comps.....suggestions, tips, replays? I beat the 1v2 insane using a canon rush on a map where allies spawned within canon range of each other.....
I'd say learn to beat 1v2 and then use cheese like you said, cannon rush two of them, also try unorthodox strategies against the AI to see if you can outsmart it.
cannot play multi player. my computer sucks, it would be a horrible experience for all of you out there on when you played me. then again, I would have an awesome record from people just up and quitting
played a horribly slow game today. the last of my insane achievements I have yet to make are both kin types, kin vs, and vs kin, and the only race left on both is zerg.. 8 zerg on the map at once...I could not do a damn thing it was locking up so bad. knocked it down to just 4, playing against toss, still nearly as bad. woulda been able to win that zerg vs toss if I could have actually microed my harrasing swarm of 30 muties.