ok, I cannot seem to win. I have tried playing both protoss and terran, which I am better at than zerg, I play against 2 random AIs. I have tried a 1 enterance 2v2 map, blocking off with canons, no luck, while going void rays, holds them off for a bit, but before I have enough void rays to make a differance, I am over run tried blocking off with planetary defense CCs, again, same result, only got up 1-2 BCs went to the 8 player lava flow, as terran, lifted off and moved to an island, got up a few BCs, went on the attack with 6 BCs, (my island SURROUNDED by turrets) I got no where, do not know that I destroyed a single building in the enemy base. I mounted a few attacks, no luck with any. (I may try it again tomorrow, after I sober up some....and just sit in my base until I have max units, and they have max units, then try to attack? maybe make half a dozen vikings in my base to defend against strong air-to-ground units, like brood lords, collosi, and void rays. (on lava flow, while on my island, their collosi could still hit my damn turrets from the main land) So, does anyone have any strategy tips or replays for winning a 1v2 insane AI?
one on insane is easy. RUSH WITH EVERYTHING! MUWAHAHAHAHA. actually, my 1v1 insane, I canon rushed him. I have not tried that 1v2, I cannot rush both, but if I rush one, the other will waste units trying to help, but I do not know that I will be able to keep my economy up with the second one while having to build quick canons to kill off t he first, so while I may beat one of them, I may get wasted horribly by the second. (I did this on a 1v4 medium, and while I killed the first, the other three massed my expansion, took it down, but I had enough Rays to tear through the other three by this point) (my expansion was the 1 comps base, btw, since I already had it covered in cannons)
rush tower/bunk is the only way for me to win with every race for example: http://sc2.replayers.com/replays/view/1677