if blizzard can track individual team performances for 2v2 and 3v3 and whatnot then why in the world can't they track our performance on a per-race basis (with random being an option of course.) Just because I qualify in... say super secret wood league as one race shouldn't have to mean I have to be that good with the others as well in order to play with them on ladders. I understand suggesting, "go practice custom games!" but what if, quite simply, I will never be as good with one race as another. What if I was doomed for life to forever be a mud level zerg. It shouldn't mean no more zerg play for me.
Im pretty sure they can. I remember seeing a place where you can see your win/loss ratio depending on your race and they even tell you what race you've won most with. What I would like to see is a bar graph that shows what unit is used the most