Hi guys, Im having a little trouble agasint terron when im protoss, I usually go for zealots early to soak up damege, then go stalkers, but by the time i have these terron has mass marines/maruders and it just cuts through my stalkers. Whats a good early counter to maurders with protoss? people have told me immortals but thats late game, Any tips appreciated.
Gate way units arent that swell against marauders with terran, try going straight to ship buider thingy lol..?
Marauders are pretty much a hard counter to any Gateway unit. Even Charge lots aren't that good vs Marauders and Blink Stalkers CAN win but you have to micro perfectly. Your best chance is Immortals and Colossus, but if he gets you in bad position Marauders on Stim will wreck your Colossus. The key is to scout and see what he is doing, because if he scans you and sees you're going Immortal hes going to get more Marines than Marauders and your Immortals will be useless. Another good thing is to get High Temps with storm. If he goes 3M a well placed Psi Storm can win you the game.
I'd agree with most of what is being said about this. In general, you can't rely on low tech tree units against terran as protoss. You need something slightly more advanced, and to be honest with you, immortals are more mid game than late game so it is very much doable. Immortals and collossus are phenomenal for this situation, and even one or two of them backed up by your stalkers once he starts massing marauders will make a huge difference.
All you need to do is build, 2 gateways and then get a robotics or perhaps a second depending on how good your macro is... you can dip into both tech trees and still have a decent sized army also while you are producing, don't hesitate to get zlealot legs for charge, it rips through marauders and draws aggro from the main army.
Check out these links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeLlzeecUsc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obkO2o2GGVM Generally if he goes for early m&m's, defend your ramp with sentry's force field and some stalkers and zealots and build robo facility asap. Then make quickly some immo / col (with range upgrade) and that's gg
Like xern and the others said, you will be defeated with the lower tier units against those hordes of MM's, so, use the boosts to get a huge advance from your oponent, tech up, and kill 'em all!
I compleately dissagree with everyone saying low teir units arnt good vs marauders. ofcourse stalkers arnt the best thing in the game to fight maurauders but theyre better then everyone is saying. blink basicly makes concussive grenades useless. so if he reserched that thats basicly wasted minerals if you go stalkers. yea your micro does have to be pretty good. but shouldnt it always be good? blniking away stalkers right as their sheilds fall is like a big middle finger to anyone xD blink them behind the rest theyll walk back up and fight but they arnt targeted anyone. also make use of clifs. blinking up and down. and baiting then in with some meat sheild zeals then elt your stalekrs fire from the high ground also a great counter to marauders is phoenix (useing the gravaton beem ofcourse) or void rays. void rays are best are are still somewhat low teir even though their exspensive. if your micro is REALLY good use stalkers with senturys. fight in a choke useing force feild to only allow 2-3 marauders to get in range at a time