1st upgrades P vs P,T or Z?

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by leon, Sep 30, 2010.

1st upgrades P vs P,T or Z?

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by leon, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. leon

    leon New Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Hi all

    Just wondering what you guys upgrade 1st from the forge in the 1st 10 min of a game (damage , armor or shields) when versus specific races.

    For example when vs Terran i go for the armor (not shield) and vs Proto and Zerg i go damage

    both proto and zerg early unit are melee or close to melee and the zealots do allot of dmg. terran's marines do 6 dmg, your zealots start with 1 armor (not shield) plus 1 armor (upgraded) .Plus sentry ability this makes the marines only do 2 dmg which i think is crazy.
    marines 6 dmg - 2 zealot armor - 2 from sentry = 2 dmg

    Just want to know what you guys do. Your opinions or strats might be better. :)
  2. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    PvP - Attack, Attack, Attack, Armor
    PvT - Armor, Attack, Armor, Armor, Attack
    PvZ - Attack, Attack, Attack

    TvP (Infantry) - Armor then Attack
    TvP (Mech) - Attack x 3 then Armor, sometimes 1 attack 1 armor then 2 attack.
    TvT (Invantry)- Armor then Attack
    TvT (Mech) - Attack, Attack, Armor
    TvZ (Infantry) - Attack, Armor
    TvZ (Mech) - Attack

    ZvP - Armor, Armor, both melee and projectile attack.
    ZvT - Armor, Armor, both melee and projectile attack.
    ZvZ - Armor, Armor, both melee and projectile attack.
  3. Ryukossei

    Ryukossei New Member

    Oct 1, 2010
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    i allways do attack, attack, shield, protoss have already a shield so they need is attack ofc more shield would be great but attack is better in this case.
  4. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Calling for a revive for this thread! I have been thinking about which upgrades are best in given situations, and reached some interresting conclusions after putting some thought into it...

    I'll put my thoughts in to restart the discussion on this as it seems quite interresting...

    Generally, upgrades are not only dependant on your enemy but also on both the tech path he choses and the tech path you choose...

    I'll list some upgrades I pick first and my thoughts on why I believe they are a good choice(which I can be wrong ofc, I didn't really put too much thought into it, just find it interresting...)

    I generally like starting with early armor upgrades since they in combination with a zealot/sentry army make my gateway units extremely durable against terran MM balls(an unupgraded marine needs 50 shots(!!!) to blast through the zealot's hull damage - yes, excluding the shield- when the zealot has +1 armor and guardian shield since marines do a petty 2 dmg per shot! Marauders also do only 6 damage per shot at their reduced speed, thus making a zealot/sentry army quite impenetrable to MM balls).
    If I decide to go colossus tech though(which is generally not the case in my PvT) I prefer to opt for damage since colossi benefit more from these upgrades, plus it becomes a matter of how fast you burn down that mm ball with your colossus deathball... If I see the terran go for mech or funky air tech, I think I'll opt for damage again since armor loses it's worth when enemy hits are in the 30s and 50s - I don't really remember the last time terran used mech against me though, and frankly I haven't played for almost 3 weeks so it's not unnatural either :p


    In PvZ getting fast +1 dmg and maintaining a +1 difference against their armor upgrades seems very important since zealots get to 2shot lings on the one side, and colossi are generally very effective against zerg ground armies and they tend to benefit a lot from damage. I'd rather not neglect the armor upgrades though either, since most zerg units are fast attackers, so upgrades in armor prove to provide quite a good benefit... Generally I think that keeping weapons at 1 level higher than carapace and then upgrading armor is what I'd do, though I'm not 100% sure that's the best way to go, but it does seem like it to me, so far...

    PvP: Here I generally tend to favour weapons again, quite heavily since immortals/colossi come quite a bit into play and they gain huge benefits from it... This is the match I've put the least thought in regard to upgrades, and could use any insight anyone could have on it...

    Post what you think too...
  5. inwarfwew

    inwarfwew New Member

    Feb 28, 2011
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    1st upgrades P vs PT or Z

    I just got my new Jeep srt8 and ive seen some jeeps doing 12s I would like to be doing that time. If you can help me by telling me what Performance upgrades to do to my jeep. Thankyou
  6. WhiteWalls

    WhiteWalls New Member

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Like everything, it depends on the situation:
    - For fast our double shooting units (zerglings, zealots, marines, colossi, etc) I'd rather go for the armor upgrade, because with every shot they deal, you benefit from your upgrade.
    - If they get slow shooting units, or units who deal heavy damage in 1 shot (tanks and stuff) get attack.
    - If they get ghosts, you don't really need the shield upgrade, because they'll just emp it. So don't get it :)
    - If you get slow attacking units, get armor, because you don't really benefit from the attack
    - If you get fast shooting units, get attack.

    Also, attack's better than armor, I think. Cuz when you're harassing probes or structures, you kill them faster (which is pretty obvious). And because they don't fight back, armor and shiled upgrades are worthless.