It has been 12 years since the release of StarCraft... Two more days until StarCraft II... Share your memories, your epic moments, your epic failures, everything you know that made StarCraft what it is. Tell everyone your story. Profile: Into.the.Storm Played For: 9 years I've played StarCraft for a long time...
When just starting Starcraft 2, I kind of forgot that you don't get spine crawlers from evolution chambers. Ya, I lost that game.
Favorite moments was playing Worms, The Thing Ice, and the Tower D games. I've been waiting 10 or 9 years.
Original SC got us through USAF tech school for 7 Every weekend we'd LAN up in the dorm rooms and play massive battles all through the night... Ahh, such good times. I look forward to more of the same with 2. -Sean
old $Playaz$ tags, toyland, thai-bbq, good ol' east 2v2's and losing link everytime somebody would call my house.
When starcraft came out I was only 14, and all my friends had computers except for me...sniff..I watched them play for years...but now, the time has come..I am 26 now and have afforded myself to my own gaming system. Starcraft 2 is my destiny and I will seize it with the joy and hate of knowing that I am destined to dominate the ladders and by god I will. It's been a long time!!!!(2) lets just hope I dont flunk school heh
Played for almost 10 years. Babysitters taught me how to play. mmm i remember pwning this nub in 5thgrade and joining a clan. but then i had to go to a farm (not bad experience) so i stopped competitve play. my early childhood consisted of starcraft, diablo 2, air conditioning, getting my ear chewed on, high school biology, thunderstorms, and honey nut cheerios
I remember playing sc1 strictly BGH map, it was so fun i didn't mind playing that one map over and over. Then i play sc2, ladder maps, realize how BGH doesn't make u any better, actually stagnates your skills. Still fun though also in sc1, going in random chat rooms and calling out clan ppl and getting them pissed off, 1v1 them, win and then gloat some more on their channel until i get banned
First time i played Starcraft i really didn't like it at all for some reason oO but then i somehow got into Starcraft 2 -.-
I've played Starcraft ever since I was 5 (when it came out).. Loved it since then. Starcraft 2 is more than I could have ever hoped for.
Starcraft... Most games i have of Starcraft either consist of me going into a long stall match aganist my foe, whom has thousands of bases and is getting them all systematically destroyed by Battlecruisers or Tanks, and is survivng long enough to build more. Those are the best parts of Starcraft, the feeling of victory.