New Game. So this is a little something I have picked up from So for those of you who don't know what's going on, it's just simply taking what you know after watching a movie (Quantam of Solace in this case) and posting it to the reach the desired number (100 in this case). The point(s) can be humorous, satirical, or serious but the point must be true to the film... Oh and, spoilers may be included I'll start: For example, 1. Besides lubing up automotives, Motor oil can be used as a beverage and a full body wash 2. The bald headed CIA agent with the wire-frame glasses should never be trusted.
If you are bad ass and a ladies man and frequently kill people every girl you sleep with will die. RIP Ms Fields
If you do things that you shouldn't be doing, an old ***** will appear at your hotel room and yell at you.
ohhhh mother f**ka i know you aint talking no s**t 'bout my lady Judi Dench! 5. Nice cars are to be destroyed with extream prejudice.
9. Hydrogen fuel tanks aren't filled with hydrogen. 10. Penetrable surfaces suddenly become impenetrable when the protagonist is directly behind it. 11. Opening a parachute moments before hitting the ground doesn't result in death. 12. Axing someone in the foot will only result in a slight limp.
13. In an expensive desert hotel garrisoned by hundreds of guerilla soldiers, there is still one dedicated hostess that works there.