Found this new video interview with Dustin Browder: Some interesting key points: 4 to 6 months beta duration Possible casual leagues on with NORMAL gameplay speed and non-rush maps Discusses why Lurker is T3
Useful information, thanks for pointing that out. 4-6 months duration so we are looking at 2009/2010 release period if its any sort of reliable estimate.
haha yeh that part was awesome, its goin to be one of the great catch phrases of SC2 and it isnt even out yet
Found a video from GT with the gameplay videos from the interview.
Btw, in the first footage. The Void Rays were being annihilated by the Corrupters however when they were going to the Zerg base at 1:45, i can see 2 buildings that do not look familiar, they look very cool but i have no clue what they are. i am guessing that the building on the left is the remodel of the Evolution Chamber (?)
yup, the greenish one is the ultralisk cavern. and the one on the right is the new evolution chamber.