In the past you see a planet exploding, how does not matter, why does not matter. What matters is a small pod surviving the destruction of this world, the glorious world of krypton. Before this pod, time is shown unraveling, possible futures are blown away, until but a few remain. Of these, it is two where we focus on. And which of these two 'supermen' would win in a battle. Übermensch, the superior human, a superman raised by Josef Mengele, a genetic researcher with a penchant for cruelty and abuse. Übermensch is a firm believer in racial supremacy and will cleance the Earth of all he deems unworthy. Stalin, the man of steel, the guardian of the soviet Union. He is the god that eliminates the need for leadership. He rules with an iron fist, so that all below him can be equal. He is god, and he believes that what he does is for the best. Now who would win in a fight?
Woops, should have left a note: Stalin is not the stalin we know from history, but the person who would have become clark kent. Stalin means man of steel. It just happens to be the name of a political leader as well.