New Profile Posts

  1. darkone
    darkone kuvasz

    Oh I will. However I need to finish getting my real life on track first.

    They don't speak English at all?
  2. kuvasz
    kuvasz darkone
    At 05-08-2010, 06:11 AM sharp. :D (I cheated by looking up the PM)

    SC2 is going well, though right now my focus is on making my stream as good and unique as possible, rather than improving my gameplay. But whenever I do get myself to 1v1 I win every match lol. Maining Zerg now. I'd suggest you visit my stream but as I don't have many English-speaking SC friends the majority of the stream content is in Hungarian. Perhaps I can change that some time.

    I don't know if you ever want to get into SC2 but if you do, hit me up.
  3. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie darkone
    nah, broke up somewhere around may.

    overall, I'm fine. Just finished my final exam.
  4. darkone
    darkone Meee
    Hey whats up old friend?
  5. darkone
  6. darkone
    darkone ijffdrie
    Thanks man. What you been up to?

    You still with that girl?
  7. darkone
    darkone Kaaraa
    Lack of money to have nets. But I am getting my life on track now with a good job. I have things that need taking care of still, but I'm getting there.

    Er I mean I was in a deep vampiric sleep for a
  8. darkone
    darkone kuvasz
    When did you make mod?

    How is SC2?
  9. darkone
    darkone Stirlitz
    Indeed. I am the most interesting person here at the Matter of opinion ofc but that is mine.

    When did you join the forums?
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  11. bobic171
    bobic171 ZergFerguson
    hey sorry to bother you but i have been looking for a diamond protos player that can show me were i'm going wrong and help me to improve would you be able to help me ?
  12. Stirlitz
    Stirlitz darkone
    Well, hello there, your darkness! I've read old posts of yours and stumbled upon your profile a couple of times while browsing through through the various groups at times :P
    Welcome back and wellmet, bro! It'll be awesome to have you around :)
  13. kuvasz
    kuvasz darkone
    Thanks and welcome back.
  14. Kaaraa
    Kaaraa darkone
    That it has. What kept ya? :P
  15. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie darkone
    Hey darkone, welcome back.
  16. darkone
    darkone kuvasz
    hello vasz been a while hasnt it

    grats on modship btw
  17. darkone
    darkone Stirlitz
    Well your new to me as a member being as i have been one for several years

    welcome to the forums

    i am darkone the resident immortal vampire of the forums that has been on a long break
  18. darkone
    darkone ssjfox
    DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE been a long time foxy

    how you been, what you been up to
  19. darkone
    darkone ijffdrie
    whats up old buddy
  20. darkone
    darkone MeisterX
    sup man been a while