New Profile Posts

  1. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie Aurora
    The netherlands have too many hills. Biked through the country for a week.
  2. StragetyBuilder
    I will help build stragety(0bv10usly).
  3. darkone
  4. darkone
    darkone 10-Neon
    Hello Neon, how've you been?
  5. darkone
  6. ijffdrie
    ijffdrie Aurora
  7. Makki
    Makki darkone
    Ah okay
  8. darkone
    darkone Makki
    No no. Like the site did being as it was my first, and some ppl are very clingy to their firsts.
  9. Makki
    Makki darkone
    How could he just try to steal your v-card? oO
    and is that why you dont love him anymore?
  10. darkone
    darkone Makki
    It was my first one to tell the truth. No other since have been as good either. Lol listen to me, I sound like I'm still in love with the one who took my v-card LOL
  11. Makki
    Makki darkone
    Thats awesome!
    I've never been on a forum for so long :C
  12. darkone
    darkone Makki
    Just through here. He and I have been members since shortly afer the site was created in 2007.
  13. Makki
    Makki darkone
    How do you know each other?
  14. darkone
    darkone Makki
    Him and I have gone around more then our fair share, and we've both treated each other unfairly at times.
  15. Makki
    Makki darkone
    Yeah i thought so...
  16. darkone
    darkone Makki
    Hi Makki Nice to meet you.

    Kuvasz is from Hungary btw
  17. kuvasz
    kuvasz 1n5an1ty
    A face out of a Microsoft wallpaper. Quite freaky IIRC.
  18. darkone
    darkone Stirlitz
    Lame...Wish I could play.
  19. Stirlitz
    Stirlitz darkone
    Yeah, idd... Recently I made contact again with a friend I'd lost much contact since school with whom we always played games together, and we've been having some LoL nights etc and it's been incredible fun to play with a friend I like playing with... Tbh, I quit SC2 till he gets his own copy during mid summer or so...
  20. darkone
    darkone Stirlitz
    Bah, live less play more lol

    Jk, don't sacrifice personal life for things like games. Though try to keep them in for your own time, or you'll go crazy